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Everything posted by Break

  1. Starcraft, Streetfighter4&5, Fortnite, Halo MCC(3) and basically any other game I touch I try to follow its competitive scene and compete with others who consider themselves semi-
  2. wow, not gonna say it wasnt expected.. but
  3. foe turns their back too often on clans that have once helped them so I doubt they've would've gotten anyone to help them other than main clans who already have or have had problems with rot.
  4. Given the cancerous nature of discord these past few days we've been given numerous different opinions on how to deal with the cesspool of derogatory flames mainly directed from two clans. Many enjoy this sort of stuff while many do not, as such I have created a new channel #blast-furnace . This channel will be un-modded. The only rules for this channel will be strictly no doxing and no mass tagging. Do not be surprised if failure to comply with these two rules results in your immediate banning off the discord. Now this channel has been created we will be enforcing a more civil tone to #campfire and I implore everyone to move their grievances to the new channel. Failure to conform to these rules will result in you receiving the Peasant rank (the rank given when you are muted). Peasant rank will still have the ability to speak in #blast-furnace tl;dr If you don't conform, we'll make you conform. This will bring back a sense of normality to those looking to chat in campfire, while giving a platform for those of you who just want to shout and scream. -Sb Staff
  5. cool account [sunglasses]
  6. rage most unbiased, most improved, no mainers, big purers f2p clanning squadgang 2k19 poggies
  7. sorry to inform you but rage best most improved f2p matched clw clan in pure clan history, 2k16-19 etc bro
  8. rage won biggest rivalry of 2k16/17 next post plz
  9. xlpc 65 combat cap no mainers rager killer mainers bring mainers? die. no teamers, no mainers xlpc = action goodbye dum dumb smoked
  10. we killed plenty of ppl, one of them being a kid called bryce [eyes]
  11. wasnt an opening trip sorry for your loss(es) today btw
  12. you said no way more times than nox said get to edge, thats impressive
  13. they brought 30 level 3's in their cape to sit on the fight, and still to this day think that it was okay in a clean,neutral rivalry
  14. Trips haven't been about fun in the top4-5 lpcs since the scene reset in 2017, would love to see something about that change but right now clan ranks and leaders have a very low IQ and deprive other clans and their own members of certain aspects of action within the scene; that being preps, minis, midweeks, PKRIs. You have certain members in the pure community as a whole who have year old grudges against certain clans, or just don't care for the scene at all so they're bringing mains just to spite the clan they don't like to get a reaction out of them. Clan ranks should really try talking to each other instead of letting conversations devolve into a dick measuring contest for a 1 hour trip on the weekend that ultimately isn't fun, but a time waste to get a "win" that doesn't really solidify your clans quality nor it's ability to compete when you aren't even competing with strictly pures.
  15. it seriously can't be that hard to just stop using mains... even now where this topic discusses a clan pulling out of one of the days on the weekend that's most impacted by clans bringing mains, you have people just pointing fingers. stop it, get some help
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