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Everything posted by MACCER

  1. sorry but i havent seen aao do anything in the past 30 days
  2. haha yes sharks win again
  3. can confirm tannie was in apex ts earlier today
  4. gz apex gf eop will fun 2 see what the future brings
  5. lmfao hassan pulled 21 to watch us schmoke IR l0000000000000l
  6. lmFaO fo is hella slumped eop did this to you l0o0o0o0o0o0o0ol @holydreams
  7. fi scared??????????????????????? ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahah gz on anni FI
  8. sorry 2 say but ur 50+ 1+'s methheads that breathe heavily into the mic throughout the trip won't be able to compete in lpc combined braincells won't be able to tele up to revs let alone afford gear. stay put in xlpc ev =]

    eop vs ob 5-0

    seemed like p8ng had big tanks! ty 4 mini eop
  10. eggy will be council forever FeelsBadMan
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