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Everything posted by ROT PUBLIC RELATIONS

  1. so you dont think we will out-main them LOL!
  2. if i was dutch, i would vote for geert wilders everytime. maga trump 2020
  3. After 1 week of small torture, final ownage removes 6 precious members of their clanbase, inluding 8pint the former council of final ownage! Also Demais, former rank and was elder in the clan! How long will they survive? This is indeed very sad news for them!, much more people are getting removed from the clan day by day! RoT wins again! PM Zulu before its too late!
  4. very good yes!, foe will go down 6 ft under or when they remove foe daniel as leader ! remy will pussy out and they will close !
  5. That is absolutely correct sir!, very good analysis! We are letting venezuelans, training 40 more meds for us as we speak!
  6. Seems like foe is full of spies now, we got enough stop pming lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [CP]Fatal


      what does a main clan having spies in a pure clan accomplish


      fking virgins lmao

    3. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      just when foe thought they were on top

    4. Pkeru


      3 hours ago, Land Of Timber said:

      what does a main clan having spies in a pure clan accomplish


      fking virgins lmao


  7. Just pmed Matt, and he said we are not offing lol goodluck getting your clan closed l0l
  8. So all CD kids from foe went back to cd or what
  9. Daily reminder since @Aysix joined NM they lost 4 weekends in a row lmfa000000

    1. FOE PURP
    2. ruxso


      4 weekends in a row ? Its 3 right now man... cause the other weekend we smoked you in am atched opts prep instead of going to wilderness.....


      Just goes to show RP are scared to fight matched opts bro!  

  10. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @Aysix you small midget buck teeth ugly ponytail looking ass hahahahahaa, u fucking got molested by RP shooters l000l. This Aysix guy has no dignity lmfao, snaked Flawless for Outburst and then snaked Outburst for Fearless, just to get outplayed by Broxx, Broxx made him look like a beta and after NM opened he just crawled back to his master broxx, haahahaahahaahhaaah. cleared retard @Lankz @RyanTheG @Warbow @smokepurpp
  11. Daily reminder @Aysix sold olympus boards and leaked locations while in a rivalry, snake sssssssss.

  12. Daily reminder @Aysix got bullied out of EOP and slaving for another Broxx clan lmfa000000 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Already on the top meanwhile u hang in xlpc special handicapped league l00000l 

    3. IamjohnC



    4. Lankz


      Bullied in lpc ☑️

      Bullied in xlpc ☑️

      Bullied irl ☑️

  13. Why are u talking shit about Apex, didn't you and warchild slaved for Nox only to get apex members to join Ob? LMFAO keep talking shit i will release your leak record split eyed fuck l000l

    Daily reminder @Deviants was bullied out of FS and cried to lalo for 2 months lmfao.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Enza


      @Deviants bag my boy's groceries and make me a frappuccino, extra frap on my shit.

    3. Pauna


      @Enza what is a fullout

    4. Enza


      @Wanheda yeah uh i'm not explaining myself again but i'd probs put my foot in your ass and make u call me daddy l0l stop @ ing me

  15. Imagine wasting your summertime on this medieval pixel game originating from 1998.

    1. rd gang member

      rd gang member

      Imagine wasting your summertime on this forum surrounding a medieval pixel game originating from 1998.

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