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More Competition, and a better Clanning Future!


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So what you are saying is wild means nothing and clan wars is where its at?


Not to sure how something like this would work for wildy trips with all the unrestricted mains. I could see it now and it would just be a joke.

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Sounds good on paper, but this sounds like something they can include into the jcup to get more clans to participate in it. Not only that but the way how cancerous the community is for both the pure and main scene and how scummy some clans is (not gonna say what clan, you know who you are) to pull some nh TACTICS just to win a Sig on here, it's defiantly gonna happen if money is involved.


I just don't see this happening and if it does get off the ground it won't go over as smoothly the first time around and some clans would not want to participate in the next one. As for the streaming etc ddosing could be a thing and rs is a very boring game to sit and watch for an esport and unless you have people making it into interesting highlight reels like in pking vids then I'd doubt lots of people would watch anyway.


But if you're really serious about all of this then you have my support and I hope you succeed. Good luck.

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So basically you wanna make bank off of clanning and runescape


Yeah tons, if you don't tb I wont share.


Sounds good on paper, but this sounds like something they can include into the jcup to get more clans to participate in it. Not only that but the way how cancerous the community is for both the pure and main scene and how scummy some clans is (not gonna say what clan, you know who you are) to pull some nh TACTICS just to win a Sig on here, it's defiantly gonna happen if money is involved.


I just don't see this happening and if it does get off the ground it won't go over as smoothly the first time around and some clans would not want to participate in the next one. As for the streaming etc ddosing could be a thing and rs is a very boring game to sit and watch for an esport and unless you have people making it into interesting highlight reels like in pking vids then I'd doubt lots of people would watch anyway.


But if you're really serious about all of this then you have my support and I hope you succeed. Good luck.


I dont know if they have the enthusiasm and dedication to ahead with this. If they do thats great.


To the tactics comment, you can read the other replies I made about security.


Thanks for the support.

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What you are proposing would need a complete and utter attitude shift in the pure community, from rival gangs who wouldn't give two brown sticky stuffs if their rivals died in their sleep, to sportsmen who were in it for the genuine, healthy, competition. The latter is what makes csgo and league competitions possible.


Best of luck trying to change this community, but the resistance you will face is absolutely ingrained in the fabric of every HPC. 

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wrong crowd to preach to, i have zero faith in 90% of the community to act in the interest of pure clanning as a whole. We have so many problems ranging from defence levels to ddossing and the current leaders and community would rather see the game die with them then continue on without. It's sad, really.

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Seems awesome mate, interested to see more ideas!



  • 1-20 def no exceptions
  • Mid-sized $$$ prize pools
  • A somewhat official final battle/point system

Would have a tremendously positive effect on the community - but as it stands; it's a waste of time, and it's never been in the "spirit of Runescape" to hold hands when it comes to clan warfare. RS is a sandbox game (we create our own content and we do what we want to do - hence why it's been a main brown sticky stufffest for the last half decade), and although it'll fantastic to have some sort of clan support - Unless there's some way for the company and participants to "profit" this idea will fall on deaf ears and go no where.


There's going to be a ton of negativity and naysayers, and it's easy to dream and talk big - but actually trying to do something is an entirely different story. I can't even recall the amount of times there's been a hype post about "making the community a better place" and then people forgetting about it in 2 days.

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I like your vision. 

Here is the problem:

If cp had the chance, right now, to close eop/fo, leak their leader boards, take their website offline for extended periods of time, then they would do it. This applies, vice versa to the other two clans. They absolutely hate each others' guts. In terms of fo, fi, cp and eop, which are all very old clans with enormously loyal veterans, they all remember how fierce the initial rivalries between their clans were, and how viciously they were fought - they simply aren't going to compete in a healthy sportsmanlike way with each other. Just look at weekends, it's a complete main fest, to get advantages over one another, by camping callers, leaders, prominent members of rival clans.


What you are proposing would need a complete and utter attitude shift in the pure community, from rival gangs who wouldn't give two brown sticky stuffs if their rivals died in their sleep, to sportsmen who were in it for the genuine, healthy, competition. The latter is what makes csgo and league competitions possible.


Best of luck trying to change this community, but the resistance you will face is absolutely ingrained in the fabric of every HPC. 

I completely agree with this. This would be a huge issue..


I like your idea though @ it's still worth a shot

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The size of oldschool runescape : ========


The size of oldschool runescape clanning: =



The problem with doing anything like this and if we compare it to CSGO and LOL


Is that u don't start out in a clanwars fight, you start out in lumbridge with level 3 combat, and are looking to put in hours of gameplay before u can do anything else.


if you are serious about this however, you should talk to a youtuber called evanhandrew or some brown sticky stuff like that, as he tried shoutcasting the 100v100 and made a reddit thread that got lots of attention. He can give ur situation some publicity

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I like your vision. 

Here is the problem:

If cp had the chance, right now, to close eop/fo, leak their leader boards, take their website offline for extended periods of time, then they would do it. This applies, vice versa to the other two clans. They absolutely hate each others' guts. In terms of fo, fi, cp and eop, which are all very old clans with enormously loyal veterans, they all remember how fierce the initial rivalries between their clans were, and how viciously they were fought - they simply aren't going to compete in a healthy sportsmanlike way with each other. Just look at weekends, it's a complete main fest, to get advantages over one another, by camping callers, leaders, prominent members of rival clans.


What you are proposing would need a complete and utter attitude shift in the pure community, from rival gangs who wouldn't give two brown sticky stuffs if their rivals died in their sleep, to sportsmen who were in it for the genuine, healthy, competition. The latter is what makes csgo and league competitions possible.


Best of luck trying to change this community, but the resistance you will face is absolutely ingrained in the fabric of every HPC. 

Money motivates people to change their attitude though lol. The exposure and cash prizes can help quite a bit, and make clanning a healthier environment overall. 

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