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Everything posted by Pigwrestler7

  1. Convincing pull? Looks like they only managed to top 50 on the cape counter in like two pics lmfao
  2. Dude instead of typing out essays just take the L and work on whatever you did wrong next time.
  3. The real delusion is thinking that the ‘several others’ were helping Apex lmfao. Wtf are you smoking? Do you see their spams?
  4. You’ve shared it and that’s exactly what she wants
  5. Fo cancelling a lot of preps these days lmfao
  6. No offence, but this clearly isn’t unbiased. Supremacy have and currently do have the upperhand - would be good to see some matched pull wilderness action but that hasn’t happened yet (aka supremacy have been outpulling).
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