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Everything posted by Dynamic

  1. i agree ur weekend pulls are depressing
  2. rot is just here to balance the clanning scene, foe still has +20 on everyone atm
  3. why do people keep bringing shit like this up when literally every clan would accept mass-applications from a closing clan, stop with this bullshit lmfao funny as fuck that its coming from an apex member too jesus christ
  4. gl y'all, summer is going to be great for lpc
  5. lmao be real and just say keep going until foe pulls 60 so apex stands a chance again
  6. someone had to even out the clan scene after apex failed miserably to compete with foe
  7. nice pull good to see a new clan actually do well and not close within 2 weeks
  8. fi always had a big f2p-p2p pull gap anyway cool new rivalry im rooting for big green clan
  9. why tho, pre-eoc you got turmoil and shit but on osrs you dont gain anything from the def levels that makes it worthwile
  10. apex the only clan to get cleared in 3 minutes in a wildy fullout lmfao
  11. foe needed some competition after apex terribly failed this year so it'll be good for the trips
  12. i got massrecruited by plague of pures in 2011 or something, people look down on clans who massrecruit edge pkers/ppl at sandcrabs etc but its so important
  13. imagine getting rushed while trying to take a fake ending pic X D
  14. L M F A O


    Even though we were down opts against FOE, we were not afraid to fight them at the infamous Dark Knight's Fortress.  We were able to maneuver up and down the ladders significantly dropping their opts.  Tired of dying, they decided to call it quits with more than 60 Apex still in game.






  15. same and it was to mains/zerks yikes
  16. looking forward to the main free weekend



  17. Even if the leadership takes no mains there will probably be retarded individuals who multilog on a main for fun which will cause others to do the same. I hope it will at least improve the situation.
  18. I don't mind people being toxic but action starving and mains shouldn't be part of clanning, everyone agrees but nothing is changing unfortunately
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