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Status Updates posted by DNYS

  1. You guys still doin this shit?

  2. Hello friends, hope all is well.

  3. Getting married and having a kid is really getting in the way of my clanning life. 

    1. John_boy_90


      It happens to us all with time. do what ya gotta do first then enjoy life after.

  4. Someone in Terror let me know if there's a possibility you'll do a matched prep. After watching the awesome tanks, multi logging, and random level 15s that were helping with cape counters, Wilderness is clearly too easy to manipulate. 

    And, if you won't do a matched prep, why?

  5. Long time no see, how is everyone?

    1. Fat Boy

      Fat Boy

      new phone , who dis 

    2. Kim
    3. Yaz


      new phone , who dis 

  6. The new xLPC Synergy has until March 26th to change the name of their clan. All warnings have been made public, don't make a mistake.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blue
    3. jay.


      @Singles what have you done to ascent other then lose? Lol nice 12 man pulls btw. Hmu when you can pull 20+

    4. Fudog


      Dope another clan to get on vid

  7. Lowkey IV sucks, but you can't expect them to beat Doom & FS quality.

    1. Leen


      They have won 6/21 preps lol..

    2. Leen


      and them wins were against Control_Pkers clan and a country clan lmfao

  8. New LPC opening up called Savage...? Someone confirm?

    1. (Fi) Eop Killer

      (Fi) Eop Killer

      stfu u justin beiber kid, u used to be alright now ur just cancer

    2. DNYS


      I'd say that too if I was on an alternate account to hide my identity on the internet where nobody cares about your opinion :^)

  9. Yo brown sticky stuffvictus, I caught that nigga with a water staff in the back doing only binds. I win again, you should be use to this.

  10. Sounds like HPC was a huge success today lol.

  11. Gj VQ, ribbon for trying.

  12. GL to all the new HPC's, GJ on stepping up.

  13. sum1 link fs 4ums

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ramie


      @Kenan N Kel i've never done that and never will stop lieing lmfao. trying to get attention what are you? a 11year old gear on instagram?

    3. Brutal



    4. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      @Ramie don't start denying it now lmao

  14. CD wins again mother fuckers, see you on Saturday bitches.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pam


      You dick ride every clan that's against rage


      Stay obsessed fam

    3. ALB4NIA


      Lmfao dont mind these retards dnys they just hate us cus they anus

    4. Dpliam
  15. Imperial closes so Rage gets a big dick and goes after LPC's. Still my bitches, forever and always.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DNYS


      Jokes on you @Waifu Pillow I wasn't an officer. If you're going to try and insult me, at least get the correct rank right.

    3. Waifu Pillow

      Waifu Pillow

      u were a low tier in their and useless lmao

    4. Pun


      fallen @ slaughter v3

  16. Listening to Rage's saturday PK trip ts audio and I can confirm that your post-action saturday topic was bullbrown sticky stuff. Thanks for reading.

  17. good try today ragevictpus!!!

  18. 50v50 fights are for pussies, let's do 40v40 so we can fight like men on Runescape.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waifu Pillow

      Waifu Pillow

      yes fallen lpc does suck at runescape much like slaughter

    3. Flex


      @Hick u never opened that clan in the advertisement section l0l

    4. DNYS


      who tf is dis hick tomato lol

  19. Andre, Invictus hitting you off fam?

    1. DreTheOBJ


      no etc @DNYS i've been online the whole time

  20. Rip atrocity.

    1. Waifu Pillow

      Waifu Pillow

      wow rage minion clan ded

  21. dull was literally just saying "fatality is brown sticky stuff" during the prep, no wonder you guys lost lmfao.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DNYS


      I mean I wouldn't say their leaderships are weak, I'm just saying that unmuting dull on anything but a lobby channel is a pretty cauliflower decision @Waifu Pillow

    3. Waifu Pillow

      Waifu Pillow

      yeah but then proceeding to let him call over you instead of banning in .5, some weak brown sticky stuff there

    4. Doc-


      10/10 banter by dull grato

  22. Atrocity is Rage's LPC, but says opposite things. Rage says everyone sucks at wildy, but they're not good at clan wars. Their LPC says they're good at clan wars and suck at wilderness.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. LongShlong


      Lol remember when rage secretly messaged slushpuppy to take them off cwl Cuz they kept getting smoked


      @Waifu Pillow ahahaha

    3. Niblet
    4. DNYS
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