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Stl Arrow

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Everything posted by Stl Arrow

  1. Veng got the hands all day it seems like lol. Nice Paragon.
  2. FORUMS | DISCORD Last night our special operations team devised a brilliant strategy with the help of master tactician, NoBrainZone. Tuesday afternoon came around and after some inners we tactically positioned ourselves in the wilderness. We sent in 7 brave grunts who would bait the terrorists out into the open to be sniped down. After taking nearly 5 minutes to clear a few men, Vengeance took the bait and we sprung the trap. 15 Surgeon snipers logged in and bombed these terrorists back to Runescape classic. After ridding world of the scum, we proceeded to mass hop around, catching them in world after world. After about an hour of doing this, Vengeance was forced to retreat back into hiding while we were crowned kings and invited to the white house for a 5 course meal courtesy of the president himself. Remember - you are doing this to yourself lmfao.
  3. FORUMS | DISCORD Today the Surgeons massed up the hungriest fiends for a little community event and damn, were we hungry. The anti-pk trip started at Revs where we swept the floors clean of everything moving in our world. The trip started off nice with some back-to-back drops, eventually even snagging an Ancient Relic. Cha-Ching! $$$$$$ DK was the first to jump head first into the waters with Resurgence, you know it was only slight work until their last man hit the ground. I think they got a little ahead of themselves on that one. Either way, gf DK. Thanks for the bucks buds. It wasn't long until we were foaming at the mouth & itching for the next kill. We decided to get real gear and pop around deep wild to see what was up. We smacked around a few lost teams & had a few run ins with Rev & SV. Needless to say, Resurgence always comes out with the lot at the end of the day. The evening skipped on and we eventually parked it at Bear, continuing our PvM/PvP mashup. The Surgeons will rest with our feet kicked up and our bellies full, yet again. Lastly, I want to personally thank everyone who came & continues to come out we have events like this. You are a huge core to our community and literally help make Resurgence what it is. It's legit dedicating the extra time during events, after events, staying up late as fuck or whatever.. it's simply having the hunger to fucking win! That's what success is all about, & that's what we fucking do. Cheers boys! Juicy Loot (easily over 50m btw)
  4. People flame eachother regardless. Don't get the point of it.
  5. Looked like a pretty good pull from both. Not bad guys.
  6. Forums are live btw: https://resurgence-rs.com/community/
  7. Main Clanning is just as shit as pure clanning except worst imo. Goodluck tho!
  8. Love this. Goodluck recruiting fellas.
  9. FORUMS | DISCORD A week or so ago me and Zewy got together and set up a 55 def cap CWA with standard rules. They asked for 15v15 and the rest off the rules standard, including void off. We massed up and did some warm ups right before and hopped into their world. Round 1 started off very close, we had some really strong tanks and started to pull a small lead. Midway, due to late arrivals and a miscommunication, one of our guys came in and we ended up with 16 in portal. We sorted it quickly and got them back out, apologies to Veng. At the end of the round we gained a solid lead and took the W. Round 2 we made sure to get numbers correct and it started off even again. Midway through Vengeance took a couple kills and gained a 2 man lead. Due to strong calling and tanks we brought the round back and won it 25-24. Round 3 was knockout and we were determined to get the 3-0. Another close round and another win for the Surgeons. Thanks a ton for the fight Veng, hopefully more to come in the future. ~ VIDEO ~ Round 1 Ending: 24-17 Round 2 Ending: 25-24 Round 3 Ending: 9-1
  10. The established clanners that are mains have majority good quality, but the open CC's that mass recruit from edge and rev caves do not. Its not really hard to turn shitters into good quality members tho. Aslong as they want to learn how to be good even with no experience its possible.
  11. Nice +1's you guys got there. Why'd you run from a small man scrap tho? Please don't start using the we had 1 main excuse...
  12. FORUMS | DISCORD Knowing very well we had a CWA today vs Sanity, we nonetheless massed up at 11:00AM est to start the sweep. We moved between locations deep wildy, clearing retards everywhere. About 4 hours into the PK trip 5 of our finest surgeons baited the biggest whale into our holy temple. We boinked his ass & got a free max set and sent him back to his mommy begging for her credit card. Along with this kill, we took 30m+ in bones and an AGS along with the mystic sets and other FAT single pker loot. We then took a quick break and massed for our CWA, ending up losing 2-1 to Sanity in a close lil fight. Afterwards we went back to altar and gained to 20+ so we moved to caves. After 30 mins of hopping, Rylan found his Armadyl Godsword Vengeance clan and we proceeded to clear them. We then fought them again down ops it looked like and they were cleared again in mere seconds. After clearing Veng we cleared and gwas'd Ibilys a few times before calling it a day. Thanks for the bank loot today Runescape fanatics, its always a pleasure. ~ Pictures ~
  13. In before Apex says they cleared Resurgence today as well even though we were busy makin bank in P2P.
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