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Ima Grizzly

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Status Updates posted by Ima Grizzly

  1. Which LPC is the most active atm?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Collision
    3. CriticalBrainDed
    4. Cody9204


      You may as well solo it or get defence. This community is cancer.

  2. Which XLPC is most active for GMT based players? :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      Join op is you're ugly gayanese freak.

    3. Fudog
    4. Munqki


      he already choosed undefeated army, sry boys

  3. AAO is really dead, omg so easy...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blue


      tell them not me l0l

    3. Blue
    4. CallMeSwaggy


      AAO ded brown sticky stuff clan can't win anything tbh

  4. Rage is #1 im proud!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kanicus


      Grizzly my main man you're a p2p addict in a f2p clan :(

    3. Ima Grizzly

      Ima Grizzly

      Im not in Rage anymore bro.

    4. Kanicus
  5. SV is a main clan, what are they doing here?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hamperz


      U mean Jaja broccoli lol

    3. Ima Grizzly

      Ima Grizzly

      SV & JaJa are both main clans...

    4. Cam


      shows how involved you are with the pure community

  6. Rampage closed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chalu


      Why because you want us to play Runescape on Saturday means a clan closed. YIKES

    3. Ima Grizzly
    4. Chalu


      I mean we are undefeated in Preps :thinking: doesn't make us #1 unfortunately 

  7. Slaughter closing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dannypool


      yo prep us 50v50 f2p lets go your ranks will decline AGAIN

    3. Ima Grizzly

      Ima Grizzly

      ML only? Ooo you got no ML?

    4. Dannypool


      yeah lets do it your clans will still decline broccoli

  8. How is Ruin doing? :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. James
    3. Papa-piff
    4. Kanicus


      Hey @Ima Grizzly ruin is doing better than ever mate, and GMT pking is lit daily.


      We all know you're a glory hunter now get a pure and get yo ass back here ;) and @pabz get that toaster lighting spliff man back ;D

  9. 16, 26 or 31 prayer?

    What to do?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. exzrts


      If you enjoy P2P a lot i'd say 31 prayer.

      If you enjoy F2P I would stay as low pray as possible (16 Pray)

      Yea gl tho!

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      ^ If you get 31 prayer you might wanna get 50 attack for gmaul. If yuo're staying 40 attack stick with 36 but kinda a weird ass build man

    4. XLPC Warlord

      XLPC Warlord

      31 since you're already past the point of no return :P 

  10. Looking for an active LPC any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. i heard

      i heard

      Saradomin Seagulls for a way out

    3. Niblet


      ace when people said u opened alot of clans I thought they were joking. gl tho

    4. Ace Krave
  11. I cant find the topic from Slaughter?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ima Grizzly

      Ima Grizzly

      Link please, I still cant find it.

    3. 9GAG


      Go fuck yourself and you'll find it

    4. Ima Grizzly
  12. - NEWS - Slaughter closed!

    1. Pain


      I heard you steamrolled slaughter. Was it even opts?

    2. Togo
    3. Pain


      @Togo :( Please tell me it wasn´t even opts !

    1. Killer Kamal

      Killer Kamal

      Cd can't pull without them it is sad

    2. Patrick


      CD has members that do not have pures. They've never had them & never will. This is why they don't prep.

    3. Patrick


      CD has members that do not have pures. They've never had them & never will. This is why they don't prep.

  13. Some1 mini us Imperial is scared again...

    1. Hon0r


      Ima Grizley, war vs xL? 40 attack 1 prayer at tourny world.

    2. Local_Pablo
    3. Ima Grizzly
  14. Which pure clan still plays DMM?

    1. roflcats


      doom because they suck at real rs lmao

    2. Billy
  15. More invites then own members lmao.

    1. Axis


      Yh bro we pulled 67 and asked for more invites LOL

  16. Slaughter was too easy tonight!

  17. Slaughter closed 2k16, RIP.

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