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Everything posted by Victory

  1. k2p danny remy and jordan and apology for off
  2. @Proccy@orgasms u wanted this u stupid fuck l000000000000000000000l
  3. i killed fo at their own game of bringing mains and ragging and now they don't even fight back LMFAO
  4. why are u uploading pics of rot spamming in ur capes l0000000000000000l u still only had 40
  5. u lost the week before cos we had 4 guys with similar names! wah!
  6. why are slumping clans who ragged pures with mains and denied pure v pure 1v1s now bragging about safe area clanwars? It's because rage fucked them so hard on their anni they won't enter the wilderness.

    Preps are for during the week mate

  7. crazy how we're using med/main accounts to fight med/main clans who've started rivalries with us and are currently dominating every scene (in cwa and wild)!
  8. didnt clan when mm was around but for the entirity of OSRS fo has been getting fucked in one way or another. CP and EoP both slumped foe multiple times with multiple humiliations. i can confidently say fo has been broken and will never rise again
  9. TlY7Ca2.png

    1. Boots


      looks like more of their ranks did that too

  10. dunno what's worse getting 4-1'd by zenith or only pulling 17 so zenith had to sit 1/2 their members for you..

  11. make sure: 1) the prize money is hard 2) rig it so we can beat fi in f2p at the end (not p2p, just incase) thanks on the real: the pure clanning ranks outside of terror/fi/rage have shown themselves to be complete spastics in regard to brewcup so why r u wasting ur time?
  12. ngl if u actually want weekend trips id join rage/fatality/terror/legacy 

    imagine being in fo rn l000000000000000l

  13. no way fo who hasn't done a prep for months due to poor quality came up with the idea to fight cwa weekends l0000000000l

  14. crazy how nobody will fight rageon pures so we do main cwa now
  15. crazy how fo promotes guy's who skipped anniversary over big typers @proccy and @orgasms


  16. zenith on fo ts and they still don't have 100 combined!

    keep moving afk's into channel - we see everything!

    1. orgasms


      lmao 0 zenith in our ts try again JAJAJJA

  17. watched the full video and it looks like all u did was make him open his clans website and u had a quick peak?
  18. no way ur having joint trips with elite zerks 'ecky'
  19. No way that guy's a sharkbrew moderator!

    1. Brock Lesnar

      Brock Lesnar

      cringe, he was in rage for years and now a randy like you who joined rage 3 months ago flames him.


    Good throwback to fat fuck k2p crying 'we're done' and some random dutch kid crying his clan broke?

    Can't wait for this anni ;)

    1. Htown


      I'm reading this in your voice and just can't take you seriously.

  21. why are my posts showing a sharkbrew moderator doxing being deleted?
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