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Status Updates posted by Victory

  1. Looks like EoP still won't prep CP. I feel bad for Leech still being cronic's lapdog.

  2. Mains? No problem.

    1. 0ldschooler


      70v100 lmfao


      crawl back to ur hole

  3. misfits i guess u r good at p2p wild atleast... right??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SKEEZ


      safety in numbers

    3. Zee


      We try :P watch out for Misfits coming to f2p soon though :)

    4. Dinoz


      Doom #1 lpc

  4. Most members ever online in one day was 231, last accomplished on 28 Sep 2015. Gj Sam's era, we don't need our webmaster to bring in false traffic like certain clans!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Corn Husker

      Corn Husker

      @Zed_ hes officer dumb fk how can he acp lmfa0 did solo told u that?

    3. Mustafa


      lol ily victory no homo

    4. Mark


      I look forward to the 231 man pull @Victory

  5. Must be a brown sticky stuffty trip to : End after 90 minutes, have 20+ mains in your TS in a different channel, not even reach the top 3 + have fat joey calling LMFAO. Totally demoralised.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I_R0BUST_I


      @Swaglord Toxic had the beth lithp :)

    3. Zed_


      Yh I give up, there is a reason you're one of the most delusional people in this community.



    4. JoJo


      I feel bad for you. I really do.

  6. New xLPC community looking hype. Fuck addy/mains, all boring shift fests.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Niblet


      do conviction up parm just dont hack my site bundle of twigsgot

    3. Victory
    4. Maaku


      cd = main clan

  7. No offense Foe, but you should be giving fi respect for sitting nearly 1/2 of their pull. Defend at your portal if you don't like it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. موني
    3. Cronic


      runin in p2p rlly just means u both atk at the same time

    4. holydreams


      Or you can shut up

  8. Olympus lost to a bunch of guys that only got democracy thirty years ago? L0L0

    1. rathole101


      l0l0l0l olympiss bad

  9. query [CP]Victory to spy

    1. Blue


      60m per minute

    2. Blue


      best rates atm first come first serve very limited time left!!!

  10. Redemption, no flame at all but don't you pull 80 to eop's 65 but i still never see you in clusters, how are you not 1v1ing them for #1 and brown sticky stuff or anything lol? sincere question

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Victory


      @Ash stop trying to be a bigman

    3. Ash


      Who said I'm big? I'm stating my opinion and you're trying to get attention

    4. mother


      sounds like they are teamining because they cant compete

  11. Still confused why Fi are hyped about beating RD in a prep? Why are u guys excited about beating a MPC who have only accomplished losing to clans with a +30 in 3~ years?

    1. slushpuppy


      grats on fullout win over fi

    2. Thomas


      rd average cb lvl is 1 of the highest in the pure community

    3. Thomas


      rd average cb lvl is 1 of the highest in the pure community

  12. Summing Zu's trip: badger> wat a sht trip

    1. Blacksnakey


      trip was fine cp sat in mossies as usual

  13. tfw eop has 2 pages of apps but ur still not one of them in 2016?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 17_
    3. A Wet Tissue

      A Wet Tissue

      Well i guess its time to re app to eop

    4. Kevv


      how many times u gonna rage quit cp m8

  14. The moment when 50 people kill 80 when the clan with 80 was in 'there server'.

  15. Tip to Fatality: if you're pulling 50% of your ML you might want to do an inactivity sweep...

    1. Lumpeh


      Nobody even knows what clan you're in anymore

  16. ty 4 da prep eop was alot of fun ;)

  17. u can tell sv has no intel 'solo left u' while hes in the ts chan L00000000000L

  18. When you have a fuck ton of mains, TLP (debb, nectarded etc) sniping CP and you still RUN SOUTH AND LOG. CYA RETARDS

    1. Elcangry


      we only fight in multy

  19. Who remembers when..... nevermind this is getting boring

    1. Tictac



  20. why are rd's copying eop's #pray4fo thing with #pray4zu? jesus can't you be creative at all?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Erik
    3. mother


      Pray for Moss Giants

    4. Thimaah


      Because everyone does what eop does all the time, pioneers of the pure community

  21. why do people use a fake alias on sharkbrew? scared ur runescape friends will think less off u? ( @messi aka [CP]Shiny aka Shlny arow zz z z

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gary


      So we can share accounts, troll freely without affecting certain clans, and our statements will be classified as "troll" or banter instead of a legitmate topic.

    3. Jorgito Gutiérrez

      Jorgito Gutiérrez

      this broccoli thinks messi is shiny still lmfao.. @Plawpy help this kid!

    4. Knox
  22. why r fi excited?? we let lvl 70s in our prep and had jordai calling r1+r2 as we messed about.... we actually tried against eop

    1. Eops Acc

      Eops Acc

      yeah i doubt that lmfao u killed 4 people in r1

    2. Jimbo


      couck called all 3 rounds lmao shut up

  23. www.authority-rs.com since everybody else is doing it and we've got the best site =) :3

    1. Sith-


      It would be like you to copy what everyone else is doing

    2. N Ranger

      N Ranger


    3. Eeekaj


      our hype trains too fast you need to catch up

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