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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. why are you trying to shit talk a clan that is literally #1 and just 1v3ing the entire pure scene every weekend whilst maintaining #1 f2p matched status? meanwhile while foe is doing this you are doing p2p minis and inners?
  2. this actually isnt a foe warlord. but thats where you're wrong, foe prides itself on being #1, not being a top matched clan. what you just said is something i would hear from a typical newfag so that makes sense. foe #1 f2p matched foe #1 F2p wild foe #1 p2p wild cant say where foe is p2p matched rn considering apex refuses to prep foe on any day monday-thursday so until that happens no comment.
  3. actually not a single person will remember apex. gotta remember you haven't pulled above 70 to f2p for 3 years of being open. You are #4 f2p matched (have never been #1 or #2.) And you pull 65~ to P2P and are still completely irrelevant and are by far 1 of the worst wilderness clans on the game.
  4. mfw eop only pulled 55 today for this


  5. @Murd stop trying to act like you are a respected knowledgeable individual in the community. you are by far one of the dumbest ranks to play this game, quit acting wannabe u9DrWdH.png

    1. Madguy


      Fom sucks cock btw

    2. Maxx


      no1 cares about ur paint no juice containing shit screenies

    3. Brock Lesnar
  6. so openly teaming with another clan and focusing another is not teaming if you are in a seperate cape? what world do you live in
  7. No weekend aftermaths for EOP LMFAO.

  8. we already saw a great 1v6 war from foe at ca during Eop's anniversary and look how that turned out LMFAO FOE vs Eop, misfits, envy, bp, apex, ir
  9. you cant compete with foe unless eop and apex are aiding you LOL and even then you still lose
  10. "they might come and say mean things" - IR LMFAO

  11. All of us have seen IR attempt to team on us the past 2 months which is why this comes to no surprise. Just look at this pathetic fucking masser clan. This is a perfect example of a beatdown clan trying reaching all sorts of lows at an attempt to revive themselves from dying. The longer you stay apart of the alliance, the more your clan will suffer. Back out pussies. IR rank blatantly admitting to teaming with EOP ^^ "bro thats the game sometimes". IR rank reaching out to a main team offering to PAY THEM if they can provide them with 20 mains to help them rag FOE/Supremacy. ^^ When confronted about begging a main clan to help them, this fucking rat AGAIN openly brags about teaming with EOP and Apex. ^^ "enjoy the 2v1 this weekend". LMFAO IR rank admitting to IR mains hitting/ragging FOE by "accident".^^
  12. Daily reminder IR, EOP, APEX ALL have a negative prep w/l ratio vs FOE.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0ldschooler


      But all are better clans overall.

      Sucks to suck eh.

    3. Pigwrestler7


      Lmfao fo the cwa clan scared to go into c wars against decent clans.

    4. Satans


      But yet fo avoids them :thinking:

  13. eop fucking silent.

    get fucked

  14. @Jamz step up in eop you fucking pussy i dare you

  15. lmfao eop brought 45 mains to their sunday trip and still got fully cleared matched opts 

    1. NiggV
    2. Daddy Nate

      Daddy Nate

      It's been 4 days young buck.. move on and do the same too other clans now



      yuuuuuup never forgot 

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