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Everything posted by Brap

  1. Can add to my sig for $10 a month, avg 500 posts on community boards per month. big contract
  2. why on earth do you sound like that weirdo
  3. Why waste your time in Purge when you can join superior clan foe
  4. I don't think it's possible for them to have a delay with RS' game mechanics
  5. Depends on HP level, some people say anglers have a slight delay on them.
  6. gz on win big hooters are my fav. IR already losing to a newly formed clan, yikes.
  7. Interesting, If the consistent pking continues I'm sure more pures will start to join main clans. Until then it still seems pretty stale and not worth committing to.
  8. Hate to say I told you so but I did infact tell you so, gl eop.
  9. Topics with corrupted vids weekends quiet night at work
  10. how it really was @Singles Trip
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