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Status Updates posted by WarChild

  1. @Deviants all that talk. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      You just got reeled pretty hard

    3. Ian


      only thing ob did vs fs we bullied you LOL

    4. Kyo


      who cares if it's unscheduled l0l

  2. lingling nice speech man... but Hassan is better 

    1. Thessalia


      take a shot for every time someone says "im dead" even when they arent calling 


    2. IamjohnC


      take a shot everytime you hear the word "pocket" :xzibit:

  3. You can't stop the outburst

  4. Can someone link me imts sunday topic.. Oh wait lmfao big yikes @Immortals

    PM Warchilds#4984 to make ezz monies. If your ranks are doing it why aren't u :thinksmart:??

  5. PM Warchilds#4984 to leak your clans locations(xLPC) for big monies this sunday. 

    Hey Rampage members if your ranks are leaking why aren't u ;);) 

    Be rich together & Sharing is caring 

  6. exzrts: just go rush it! 

    lalo: are you broccolied exzrts? fuck me man

    exzrts: Sorry daddy :(

    Once a pet always a pet lmfaooo

    1. WarChild


      @exzrts atleast u were picking up.... @Aysix @loud bad captains man

    2. Jail`


      Off them, they are just runescapeian players like yourself, also wheres my 10m tf?

    3. Warbow
  7. While fs ranks were retuning for eop. 

    Fs almost cancelled there trip


    yikes... more to come stay tuned btw

  8. While fs ranks were returning for eop. 

    Fs almost cancelled their trip


    yikes... more to come stay tuned btw

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. exzrts


      What l0l?

      But we went out so what are you proving, people have retards on Teamspeak and that is our broccoli lmfao nice try tho.

    3. narc


      ur mom is my brocoli

    4. WarChild
  9. While fs ranks were returning for eop. 

    Fs almost cancelled there trip


    yikes... more to come stay tuned btw

  10. Hi,

    Join Nightmare Today. :)


  11. Your Worst Nightmare Is Here..

    Join Nightmare Today ;)

    #1 xLPC

  12. Need money to pay your bills? don't like your boss? Say no more! pm  Warchilds#4984 to make easy in XLPC scene. Your dream life starts today

    Be Rich Together.. Sharing is Caring ;)

  13. Need money to pay your bills? don't like your boss? Say no more! pm  Warchilds#4984 to make easy in XLPC scene. Your dream life starts today

    Be Rich Together.. Sharing is Caring ;)
    It's not to late!

  14.  aah yes Rage bears on top

  15. @slushpuppy fix your teamspeak servers smh 

  16. @exzrts feels bad man.. down 7 lmfaooooo

    1. Pun


      imagine slaving for broxx and trying to talk brown sticky stuff to exzrts kys tbh

  17. @exzrts why u teaming with a kid who flamed your mom yikes....

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