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Everything posted by Eevee

  1. This. All that was said was that something could lead to “both clans using irl names” for whatever situation this is pertaining to. Nowhere did she make any sort of directed personal attack, and I think it’s fair to assume that there would be individuals on both sides of this conflict that would choose to inappropriately escalate a trivial situation over a game anyways. Only thing I can suggest is for both clans to knock off their shit and stop spreading propaganda and drama so this will fizzle out. We can’t moderate situations that don’t occur on our platform, whatever both parties choose to do over this is their business. Just don’t be dickheads to each other people. It’s really common sense.
  2. TR is back? Since when? F2P fights are rare these days. Hope to see consistent activity from you guys.
  3. Unfortunate that a simple value adjustment is being seen as “too difficult” and that a team is required to do a job one individual could fix in a matter of minutes.
  4. I can appreciate minimalist modern designs. I like the darker background on the second post compared to the original. Very sharp overall. @puppyslushtake a look.
  5. Responding specifically to your write-up about the Wiki page; Your suggestion is actually the primary aim of this. Right now there's only a few of us that are actually taking the time to build the outline and get some fairly important resource pages available for use to the community. Unfortunately it's a massive task to tackle for just a few hands, which is why I'm looking for more individuals to apply for positions within the team to help bridge this gap that have strong editorial skills. If it's something you would like to become involved in, I highly encourage you to contact me directly either here on the forums or via Discord. The aim for the Wiki is to be a repository of useful information that can be used by anyone, whether they're involved in the scene or exploring it. Naturally, this would include resources that would help educate new players to the scene about terminology, effective gear loadouts, and basic fundamentals of Player Killing for both single and multi PvP. I appreciate your well thought out post.
  6. System looks great! Hopefully the rollout is smooth and it takes off on a pretty positive note. Congrats to both @Breakand @Yak, well deserved promos. Love you both!
  7. So, TL;DR some idiot bragging about how he’s a 23 year old degenerate ex-convict with an active felony and no redeemable future, so he plays RuneScape all day? I bet his mom is real proud of him.
  8. We really hope that a higher interest in this position will develop over time. The truth is, a lot of you want to be more directly involved in shaping a healthy community and it shows. This will basically provide a more direct method of getting the community involved with our team to highlight some of the problems you would like addressed. We want to create a system that incentivizes clans to hold events with each other, to actively engage one another in the community, and fix problematic behaviors that demotivate people to hold events. We also want to hold a dialogue discussing why certain clans feel it to be necessary to not engage with the wider community here and what we can do to change that for the benefit of everyone. We want to provide a welcoming and all-inclusive environment, for both social purposes and for community engagement. Where we go from here is up to you, the feedback you provide us, and your willingness to work with us to make this community the best it can possibly be.
  9. WARNING: Users of SharkBrew should be aware that this individual has been known to conduct unfair, deceptive, or even harmful business practices. This has been verified through an independent investigation that offered a third party opinion from a Marketplace Moderator of Sythe.org. We will not be permitting this individual to actively advertise on our platform, and any business transactions you engage in with this individual is at your own personal risk.
  10. Are you absolutely certain Axis is a good name for a Dutch/Belgium Country Clan, considering your Germanic heritage? Don’t mind me by the way, just an innocent bystander.
  11. Discussion with Jason (Moderator of Sythe): 3:17 AM]Jason: hello [3:17 AM]Victoria: Hey! Jason from Sythe I presume? [3:17 AM]Jason: yup [3:18 AM]Victoria: I actually had a content creator give me your Discord. Thank you for accepting my friend request. I’m an Administrator of Sharkbrew, and I have a small query about a potential pain point you have experienced on Sythe. [3:18 AM]Jason: Sharkbrew as in the pk community site right [3:18 AM]Victoria: Yes sir. [3:19 AM]Jason: sure thing what did you have in mind [3:20 AM]Victoria: So we had a content creator by the name of Rites approach us about a content creator that has been flagged on your website as a cautionary seller. It appears they have migrated to our platform in an attempt to advertise to our user base. [3:20 AM]Victoria: https://www.sythe.org/members/johnson.1019112/ [3:20 AM]Victoria: In regards to this person ^ [3:21 AM]Victoria: My interest is in protecting my users. I was provided some links as to why this flag has been added, was wondering if there were any non-surface details, any insight you could potentially provide about this person? [3:22 AM]Jason: so the user currently has a 'trade with caution' rank for using multiple accounts to post fake feedback on his graphic design marketplace [3:23 AM]Victoria: So he’s lying about credentials and references. [3:23 AM]Jason: in the past the user was permanently banned for forging evidence when it came to a report on him for plagiarizing other graphic artists work [3:23 AM]Jason: but he successfully pardoned on our site for that offence, which is basically a process a permed user goes through for a clean slate [3:24 AM]Victoria: Okay. Yeah and that was something that was also brought to my attention that was a bit worrisome. Was that the only instance, or were there past instances of similar misconduct? [3:25 AM]Jason: there was a report that accused him of using multiple accounts to have more than 1 thread in the market, but the proof wasn't solid enough [3:26 AM]Jason: aside from that i dont think so [3:26 AM]Jason: i can link the reports on sythe if youd like [3:29 AM]Victoria: I'm assuming it would be these? [3:29 AM]Victoria: https://www.sythe.org/members/johnson.1019112/ https://www.sythe.org/threads/johnson-rsmagicmeister-fake-vouching/ https://www.sythe.org/threads/johnson-ripping-gfx-work/ https://www.sythe.org/threads/3580767/plagiarism/#post-34925536 https://www.sythe.org/threads/johnson-primenl/#post-37055771 [3:29 AM]Victoria: I had another content creator bring this to my attention a few moments before I reached out to you [3:29 AM]Jason: yesi think thats it [3:30 AM]Victoria: Okay. [3:30 AM]Jason: i dont think the user is a risk to scam customers [3:30 AM]Jason: but he consistently is caught with awful business practices --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Discussion with Rites via Discord: 2:31 AM]Victoria: Do you have a link to the users profile on Sythe? I couldn’t seem to find it myself browsing their forums. [2:39 AM]Rites: https://www.sythe.org/members/johnson.1019112/ [2:39 AM]Victoria: Thank you [2:39 AM]Victoria: You said they made alt’s as well? [2:39 AM]Rites: That's their latest reason for being suspended [2:39 AM]Rites: https://www.sythe.org/threads/johnson-rsmagicmeister-fake-vouching/ [2:40 AM]Rites: I'm not sure how he's not been given a DNT on sythe yet tbh [2:41 AM]Victoria: Yeah, the current warning is a cautionary warning and it looks like there was a communications rollback plus a temporary suspension instated against the user. [2:42 AM]Victoria: Nevertheless, I don’t want our users conducting business with someone who has fake/altered/non reputable references [2:42 AM]Victoria: Especially someone who is potentially stealing from consumers [2:42 AM]Victoria: As well as artists [2:42 AM]Rites: Yeah he's ripped off a lot of work [2:43 AM]Rites: including reselling his own [2:43 AM]Rites: without telling either customer [2:43 AM]Victoria: So reselling commissions he’s already sold without the original purchasers ATA? [2:44 AM]Rites: Yeah [2:44 AM]Victoria: I’ll do some digging. [2:44 AM]Rites: https://www.sythe.org/threads/johnson-ripping-gfx-work/ [2:44 AM]Rites: https://www.sythe.org/threads/3580767/plagiarism/#post-34925536 [2:44 AM]Victoria: I’ve locked the topic on the forums and placed a temporary warning on the topic. [2:44 AM]Rites: there's more but I think they get hidden after x amount of time [2:46 AM]Rites: unfortunately the imgur links are dead too but [2:47 AM]Rites: you can see the sythe staff banned/punished him etc [2:47 AM]Victoria: Yeah. I can also see the original imgur units being displayed as his work across both topics were deleted at the request of the original host. [2:48 AM]Rites: Yeah that was the condition of not being perm banned I believe [2:48 AM]Rites: he's been accused of fake vouching and using another person to sell graphics to ban evade too [2:49 AM]Rites: but they weren't conclusively proven enough, although the evidence is against him [2:49 AM]Rites: https://www.sythe.org/threads/johnson-primenl/#post-37055771 [2:49 AM]Rites: for example this one [2:49 AM]Rites: the other account was only active during johnsons ban [2:50 AM]Rites: my friend tried to order from them speaking only dutch as a test and they didnt really know anything about gfx [2:57 AM]Victoria: That’s a pretty odd situation to be in isn’t it? [3:01 AM]Rites: Hmm? [3:02 AM]Victoria: The peddling graphics through another user on the same platform [3:02 AM]Victoria: That’s a pretty odd situation to be potentially caught in [3:02 AM]Victoria: Because couldn’t that damage another users rep too? [3:02 AM]Rites: It's because he got a month ban [3:03 AM]Rites: Yeah but the other person hasn't used sythe before or after it really so I doubt they mind [3:03 AM]Victoria: Before -or- after? [3:04 AM]Victoria: So is there a chance that this is the exact same person under a different ID? [3:05 AM]Rites: Possibly but I think it's just a friend that was used to go through for selling [3:05 AM]Victoria: I see [3:07 AM]Rites: But yeah just something else that seems pretty dodge that he's been linked to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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