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Clan Declaration Rule Changes


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Given the clown fiesta that's happened between a few clans lately, some rules have been clarified and changed for declarations. It's mostly rewording to remove ambiguity, however the major changes that you need to know are:




Maximum armour caps can only be lowered in a counter-declaration, not raised. 




Can only lower the combat cap to the minimum of the Minimum Combat Cap formula, not raise it

1-5 def cap for LPCs (No exceptions)

25- def cap for MPCs (No exceptions)

Maximum armour caps can only be lowered in a counter-declaration, not raised. 




Full list of rules can be found here



If you find any grammatical errors or rules which need clarifying (poor wording or explanation), let me know.


If you have any problems with the change in rules, go harass @@slushpuppy about it. I didn't change the rules, all I did was write the announcement. ty




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So if someone declares on OP with a 20 def Cap(level) they can't counter declare with a 30 def cap? (level)

that doesn't fix anything, no clan will abide by these rules 100% aslong as they get the win on video lmao


Yes, it means ANY CLAN can't counter a 20def cap with 30def cap. 


The prep won't happen if both clans can't agree to the rules in the first place. It doesn't look cool to win a prep when you blatantly break the rules. All it does is show that your clan is reliant on higher levels or defense than your opponent to be considered relevant. If that's how desperate a clan is to get a win on video then I wouldn't be proud to post that video to the rest of the community.

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So if someone declares on OP with a 20 def Cap(level) they can't counter declare with a 30 def cap? (level)

that doesn't fix anything, no clan will abide by these rules 100% aslong as they get the win on video lmao

Defence level caps can only be lowered in a counter-declaration, not raised.

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Yes, it means ANY CLAN can't counter a 20def cap with 30def cap. 


The prep won't happen if both clans can't agree to the rules in the first place. It doesn't look cool to win a prep when you blatantly break the rules. All it does is show that your clan is reliant on higher levels or defense than your opponent to be considered relevant. If that's how desperate a clan is to get a win on video then I wouldn't be proud to post that video to the rest of the community.

 Bringing an account with 30 defence to a 20 defence cap prep (that is 1 defence gear) will not matter to any clan as long as they win, that's such a small thing a clan can bitch over and it makes the clan who lost (who would then go on to dispute) look brown sticky stuff.

That also does not make them look irrelevant, infact them winning makes them look more relevant regardless of them breaking "rules" of bringing an account with more defence levels than the defence cap states, as slushpuppy said to OP/Imperial when OP were complaining about the combat cap & how Imperial's warlord is like 35 def, defence in 1 def gear doesn't make a big difference and you're better off maxing out your account than sacrificing levels for defence.


Having a cap on the defence level (aside from 40+) isn't even eligible for this scene, I know that you yourself are a rank of an MPC & the amount of addy that there is on trips is absurd compared to the very little mithril/black, so if this is the case then why is there only a 20 defence cap lol

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Defence level caps can only be lowered in a counter-declaration, not raised.

Yes, what i'm saying is that clans can easily take advantage of this when wanting to declare on clans that are more than 20 defence

E.G Imperial declare on Olympus for a 40v40 with a 20 defence cap,

Olympus attempts to counter declare but realises they can only lower the defence cap and they are screwed.

It isn't only Olympus with this problem, any clan that brings addy will have this problem lol, Rage,Olympus, (Possibly ruin, I see that they are making some addy movement or some brown sticky stuff)

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This is clearly biased completely towards Ruin.


Every MPC allows up to 39 def and any who say they don't lie because I can show you screenshots of addy on their trips.


The ones who declare with 20def cap, as Ruin did to us in p2p was not a way to get a clean fight but to try to get a fake win. Once we actually fought we 3-0'd them. Making low defense level caps is solely a way to keep clans from fighting rather than make them fight - the opposite of intention for the system.

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This is clearly biased completely towards Ruin.


Every MPC allows up to 39 def and any who say they don't lie because I can show you screenshots of addy on their trips.


The ones who declare with 20def cap, as Ruin did to us in p2p was not a way to get a clean fight but to try to get a fake win. Once we actually fought we 3-0'd them. Making low defense level caps is solely a way to keep clans from fighting rather than make them fight - the opposite of intention for the system.


Ruin wins again?



In all seriousness, I didn't set these rules. If I had my own way I'd have implemented these rulesets quite differently (oh boy would they be different). The rule regarding only lowering and not raising defense caps is entire on slushpuppers. He's adamant (heh) about maintaining the "pure" aspect in the pure community. As bias as you think it might be, it's not my doing. All I did was reword the thread to fix up most of the formatting and grammatical errors and post the announcement.

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 Bringing an account with 30 defence to a 20 defence cap prep (that is 1 defence gear) will not matter to any clan as long as they win, that's such a small thing a clan can bitch over and it makes the clan who lost (who would then go on to dispute) look brown sticky stuff.

That also does not make them look irrelevant, infact them winning makes them look more relevant regardless of them breaking "rules" of bringing an account with more defence levels than the defence cap states, as slushpuppy said to OP/Imperial when OP were complaining about the combat cap & how Imperial's warlord is like 35 def, defence in 1 def gear doesn't make a big difference and you're better off maxing out your account than sacrificing levels for defence.


Having a cap on the defence level (aside from 40+) isn't even eligible for this scene, I know that you yourself are a rank of an MPC & the amount of addy that there is on trips is absurd compared to the very little mithril/black, so if this is the case then why is there only a 20 defence cap lol


If you want to debate the specifics of the rules, I advise going straight to slushers. I didn't create them. 


But I still fail to understand how winning via cheating is going to get you hype or respect from the rest of the community? If Usain Bolt was caught drugging to set his record lap times, they would now be considered irrelevant. He cheated to get such a score, which isn't fair to everyone else in the competition. In what world does everyone respect the guy (or clan in this case) that needs to cheat in order to succeed?

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Lol fo will now declare on every clan 1 def cap and nobody will be able to fight and clan of the month will be a useless award nice job @


2 declaration cap per month, not exactly going to get you COTM


But I will admit this is an oversight. I'll harass slushers about it (He's the one implementing the new rules, not me).


And ty I did an amazing job. 

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If you want to debate the specifics of the rules, I advise going straight to slushers. I didn't create them. 


But I still fail to understand how winning via cheating is going to get you hype or respect from the rest of the community? If Usain Bolt was caught drugging to set his record lap times, they would now be considered irrelevant. He cheated to get such a score, which isn't fair to everyone else in the competition. In what world does everyone respect the guy (or clan in this case) that needs to cheat in order to succeed?

If by cheating it was by using a main I would completely agree that it would be frowned upon but if it is cheating by having 23 defence in a 20 defence cap then nobody would frown upon it, instead they would laugh at how pathetic the clan is for disputing it e.g the vt/rage prep ;)

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