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Assessing the Doom vs. CD Rivalry

Fear The Beard

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Having been a part of both clans and getting to know each clan's respective ranks/memberbase, I feel that I can make a fairly unbiased observation regarding the two clans:


In terms of mutuality, both clans have extremely loyal and dedicated memberbases that will always stick to the leadership's decision.  In addition, both clans have a large base of retired members who are involved in the community since Cd and Doom have roots based on pre-eoc clans/teams.


In terms of quality, let's be honest.  CD has never been great quality wise or in matched fights.  However, they rely on heavy recruitment and converting new recruits into loyal members which allow them to outpull most clans.  When they face adversity, they are indeed more inclined to bring mains as their mentality is to do whatever it takes to win (whether you agree with this or not) and it has proven effective in the past.


Meanwhile, Doom has always been dominant in matched fights and is most known for their long clw streak in 2k15.  However, I feel like their inability to recruit as efficiently as CD has and inner clan drama has lead to ineffective pulls (which as a HPC lead to their closure at the hands of Supremacy).  The only reason why they've able to pull decently the past few months are through recycled members of the pure community that joined with their lpc accounts.  I feel like if the lpc and hpc scenes would merge again like it has in the past, Doom would have trouble retaining a substantial portion of their memberbase while CD would retain the vast majority of their members.


So there you have it folks, both clans have their ups and downs.  Is it plausible to determine which clan is better based on my analysis?  Probably not.  What truly does matter however is that Eop wins again and Zenith v23 was closed by Hostility v6 (which now pulls 25 and hides in foe capes all weekend LUL).

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true doom members are weak broken bitches on a game


especially all of their ranks that cry 24/7


while cd has the unbreakable mentality

? u want us to compare zenith v30 to mm lmfao???

ur in ub lmfo

CD has unbreakable mentality? what sitting in singles, telling clans to go multi then camping 1v1s? True.

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As proven by history, doom only look like theyre good when theyre up against random masser clans like sf and envy. When the real clans open up in their scene (cd etc), they fail to even partially complete. This was also proven in the hpc scene where doom was used as someone to fight for an easy win because of how terrible their leadership is l0l

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