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Supremacy vs Outburst F2P Pkri 30v30 Ft AAO Failing Again


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Outburst approached Supremacy for a fun wildy fight on this Friday afternoon for some fun good action. We weren't exactly sure if this event was going to happen but decided to mass up last minute anyway, and pulled a solid 34 people to this hour notice fight. Outburst managed to mass up a solid 30 or so people and had the balls to fight us down numbers.








The initial fight began with us up 4 people and we got really aggressive really fast. Our scim pushes on their lower levels and badly positioned members got us an easy lead which we kept for the following fight. OB pulled inside bandit camp later on to regroup while we turned our focus on the mains, making quite a bit of easy money. OB rushed shortly after with 30~ people to our 31, putting up a good fight. We were in our zone of dropping piles left and right, and managed to get another quick lead.


At this point, AAO decided to grow some balls and rush the fight too. Surprisingly, they died faster than OB did in the past 10 minutes. AAO and their solid 25 members crashed and instantly got focused on, dying repeatedly until they were completely cleared off the face of the map. Within a minute or two of clearing AAO, we turned our attention back on OB and sent them off for another regroup.


We decided to wait for OB to rerush once more with full force, and met their aggression on the south side of bandit camp, roughly 30v30. We decided to follow through with our bows and scims until the fight ended up west of bandits in single, were we got a fall in with our 32~ opts and walked it down.
Thanks for the nice fight OB, nice pair of balls you guys have to fight us down opts.


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