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Everything posted by Tribby

  1. SV couldn't handle tlp but by the looks of things this Eop rivalry is going smooth for them so good for them! 2 legacy clans losing two different rivalries to two different new age clans what a time for sharkbrew (MF beating FI and SV beating EOP )
  2. Best newcomer ayy? Prob enjoying your time much more over with the apes in comparasion to OP
  3. I would be embarrassed to be in EOP, Not much of a fan of SV but I honestly hope they send pizzas to all Eop members houses. You guys are spineless as fuck, hacking numerous of clans forums over the years and doing some super scummy brown sticky stuff and now you wanna cry over SV ? Get a rope broccoli
  4. being good in clan wars shows a lot more about your clan then pulling a lot to a wildly trip. Voted CWA
  5. Did you seriously put two snipe teams down as your favorite rivalry ? Wtf Tlp vs Foe, even when we lost, those preps were some of the most exciting challenging preps I've ever been too Tlp vs Sv , was a great time completely slumping these tomatos that talk so much brown sticky stuff and do so much snakey brown sticky stuff VH vs HF/PX pre eoc , one word to describe this ... Juicy
  6. Find it pretty funny that the first reply to this topic is an Eop kid telling tannie to go outside. Someone obsesses over putting your clan in the dirt is a nerd but when the whole clan obsesses over a brown sticky stuff rivalry against fatality on a "medical java based game" for years it's okay ? @@Tannie stay inside man you give me great content to read all day long
  7. Bryan use timmie from South Park as the mascot for sv is also make the letters in UB red but wow the IR and first FOE one is sick
  8. My nigga koed beastly bringing the heat Wuu2 doom
  9. CD isn't going on a help SV SV is going to be a lower tier lpc Rot is gonna camp the balls of SV I think what you meant to say was TLP was the reason SV went to main clanning and then they closed Btw TLP/SV was the easiest rivalry I've ever participated in, in my life
  10. Me and @@Kenan talk dirty on Ruin ts all the time quote me if mad
  11. Calum has nice deals on clan packs
  12. I'm not in sup I'm a clan friend for the past year but okay there bud. You must be 13 years old to call yourself flex xd
  13. So Olympus closed just so the ranks could open up an xlpc that brags about being other xlpcs with lpc accounts... you guys look dumb as fuck not gonna lie
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