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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Ben


    Welcome. Could it be? Somebody capable of thinking rationally on here?
  2. Every rivalry when in Epidemic. vs IR/Dv/EOP for #4 vs Fi to break into a top 3 that were a solid 30+ pull and miles ahead of the rest in terms of quality vs MM for #1, albeit short lived. Fights were clear, no mains and limited crashing. That’s what made the trips and rivalry enjoyable.
  3. If people can't agree on Plat/Classic, why not just agree on a third map? Or do one round in plat, one in classic and one in a third? Idk, just ideas.
  4. Should be closer than the last one but I still think FOE'll have it.
  5. Nice pull. Welcome back to the big time.
  6. Gj guys, looked like a well deserved victory.
  7. Ben

    Jamz ??

    Guess he just wanted a change.
  8. ... how can you claim to be the best when you openly get bullied onto main accounts..? I genuinely don’t understand how EOP members can think they’re the best when they openly team with main clans and generally have a crappy record in clan wars when it’s pures vs pures. Hopefully Solo goes back to his 2010/2011 mentality and tries to find some new creative ways to compete at the top like he and others did against MM back then, rather than just falling back on the shitty/scummy tactics employed by the rubbish that followed.
  9. No idea who he is but he seems obsessed. Can't say I'm surprised, the community seems full of these try hard rebels nowadays.
  10. Cuz most clans are too busy trying to kill each other than actually have fun and grown themselves.
  11. Only reason you got bad bants is cuz u opted for kings in 1 server. We just the best m8..
  12. Never understood wanting to close a clan. Surely even competition works well for both clans.
  13. Looks like the effort put in by Ivp and myself to try and get that XLPC scene kick-started 4 years later worked, even if some of the other clans didn't make it this long - we always said even if just one did, it would have been a success. Glad to see your hard work payed off and you're still going 4 years later. Congratulations guys, happy anni.
  14. Good luck all. Probably a dumb question but Is this the anniversary of the new IR or the anniversary of the date that they were initially founded years ago?
  15. Jesus... What the actual fuck did I just read.
  16. This topic is good, but Jamz makes better ones..
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