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Papa Bear

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Status Updates posted by Papa Bear

  1. http://sk-rs.com/community/ - what u waiting for? Join the #1 LPC today ;p
  2. https://embed.gyazo.com/1390e27ead950b01e2fc026ebb6cad3e.png up 18 and followed them down to lvl 7 wild yet they tryn claim a win, heres our proof wheres yours fs? please pipe up again. Claims IV has fake propaganda brown sticky stuff clan @Deviants
  3. Rise CD rise

    Join before it's too late


    1. Aaronn


      Isnt that the clan youve been talking shit about

  4.  Lol mfw BT tryna come at me again... You're just like Envy, you just don't know when to fucking stop. @WE APES BOI keep your dogs quiet lmfao. @PICwarior381 @bt black son @byronbanks @DHP @Dzeko @Funky @ZOIC @ any other retad BT member lmfao let's start a flame war.

    Oh P.S. If I see more tanks I'll start dusting off my old lvl 60's gl

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      I love getting y'all all riled up lol BT retards so cute! @Narcos sorry idk who you are you cock nosed rodent go back to whatever slum you came from kid lmfao

    3. byronbanks


      niggga what are u talking about i dont even play so dont @ me lmfao.

    4. Papa Bear
  5. "We just got demoralized"

    @Don Elmir Envy/Bloody Vaginas


    1. marcusyo


      ENVY deztroyd u cd aint brown sticky stuff

    2. Papa Bear
  6. @Broxxx @Stompy @Shadow Asuna (You the homie but wrong choice of clans lolz!) @WarChild @Logic how does it feel to barely pull 20?

    @RUTHLESS How does it feel you're about to be kicked from a dead clan from attempts to join a clan that's not opening?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      You clan hop, slave, pay for leaks, recruit etc etc @Singles I just chill and do what I want. Your clan also went from 80-30 in one week, YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      My apologies @Logic I will not associate you in a shit clan if you are in fact not in one in the future.

    4. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Don you prove to me and the world how clueless you actually are every time you try and pipe up to me.

  7. @RyanTheG

    Bought some shoes from a drug dealer today. Not terribly sure what he laced them with but I've been trippin all day...

  8. @RyanTheG

    Just saying, RP is the only clan to have beaten OB in a prep.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Warbow


       @xlpc warlord @singles

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      This was photoshopped 

    4. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Nice team 10 I bullied out or T7 ty lol

  9. @RyanTheG

    Our clans are at war. It will be nasty.

    I will always love you the same <3

    1. Fat Boy

      Fat Boy

      its alright man im hella happy right now :P 

  10. @TheReal @quit

    !Seen Envy??? Bruh OPiss the snipe team lasted longer than you...

  11. https://gyazo.com/5c9799237bfe53a05708e41270d0835e

    Who is this dude and why does he think I care about him to flame back?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juicy


      juicy wins again

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Warbow why do you think you're relevant to the world

    4. Kunoo


      1 hour ago, Singles said:

      Warbow why do you think you're relevant to the world


  12. Holy brown sticky stuff that was easy.


    Both of my clans won today did yours?

  13. 53 on a tuesday night

    Dimmadome btw

    1. Meet Them With Scims

      Meet Them With Scims

      Fearless been pulling that for the past 5 months lol

  14. Buying all xLPC info pm me

    Papa Bear#8879

  15. Buying all xLPC info pm me

    Papa Bear#8879

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