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Status Updates posted by Poo

  1. Imagine claiming your unbeaten this year when you dont even fight anyone! lmaoo


  2. remember when ir and apex stopped starving the scene in clw? 

    me neither

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. `Prod


      1 hour ago, Down Opts said:




    3. Lee


      IR isn't starving anyone they just prep at an ungodly hour that really is only good for them and Apex.

    4. roflcats


      wrong @Lee we will prep ir at any timezone.  Foe will prep IR at any timezone. 


      8 pm est 9 pm est 10 pm est, whatever time supremacy will prep any lpc.

  3. #1f2p matched btw gz sup

    1. del


      You need to beat the #1 F2P matched clan (EoP) to claim #1.

  4. The fact you are asking that questions leads me to believe you have a subpar understanding of how statistics generally or regression to the mean specifically operates. While I would think it quite, if not very, likely we would pull around 40 people, that does not mean I am in any position to guarantee such a pull going forward. We’ve routinely bounced around for number for months, but I could easily point to a handful of preps both above and below that pull. In the past I’ve not gotten preps with outright minimums. However, I would say both clans SHOULD have a good faith obligation to pull as many people as they can. I know some clans in the past have artificially decreased their prep pulls due to a lack of trust in some members, but I can assure you that IR has not engaged in such behavior.

  5. can someone teach this @RNGkid that 65 (46) cape counter doesnt make 46 mains and 19 pures lmfao

    1. roflcats


      l0000l that man has the lowest iq on these forums by far

    2. Brock Lesnar

      Brock Lesnar

      sums up @hotkeying's dog shit clan lmfao. IR has the IQ of a goldfish l00l

  6. anni's used to be a time to get all the old people from the clans history and the new into a big pull and enjoy a weekend, eop and fo begging clans for there ops is cringe af, wheres the discipline gone?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. debb


      eop didnt ask anyone lol, ace krave was faking logs. those fo logs are real tho lol

    3. holydreams


      Don’t lie debb lmfaoo you asked rampage


      i was talking to Ryan g

    4. nawe


      u talkin about discipline yet ur clan brings 20+ mains every weekend lol

  7. Daily reminder Ir beg Eop to save them every weekend

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nerdy


      @roflcats glad to see the self-proclaimed "#1 f2p clan" cant even upload a vid today l0l

    3. roflcats


      ??? There's been a vid up since literally after the trip ended.  Have fun watching us dick your ally down 10 with actual evidence l00l

    4. Murd


      So in short sup is crying because EoP smoked them (again) today

  8. gz ir being up 7 and still begging clans to crash because u darent 1v1 lmao fat fucks

  9. imagine fi closing into envy, masser shit clan lmfao how sad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Poo
    3. JeyB


      cheapest leaker i ever seen ty for service lmfa000000000

    4. Dimitri


      back to lumbridge son.

  10. Imagine Fi thinking there winning with one topic with no clears, losing 6-0 in 2 preps and getting cleared 5 times the week before. sucks to suck l0l

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leading


      you are teaming on them openly just like ir and apex stfu pussy lmfao

    3. Dimitri


      You pulled max 25 yesterday, know your place dog.

    4. JeyB


      Pull the dick out from mouth when u speakin with me faggot @Poo


  11. imagine turning up to misfits inners dressed in that


    1. Dynamic


      i bet we had more fun than u niggas losing 3-0 l0l

  12. ir sat on corp hill and got reduced to 20 from 80 in game lmfao

  13. its coming home

    1. Enza


      Meanwhile countries that kids like @WarChild live in didn't even qualify for the world cup, it's coming homeeeeeeee

    2. WarChild


      @Enza croatia will destroy the brits ezzpzz

  14. someone come take the belt from sup

  15. someone needs to run return tests in fi tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dynamic


      @BackWoodsL funny because the fight ended at gap l0l

    3. Couck


      @BackWoodsL funny because the fight ended at gap l0l

    4. Poo


      thats called running back to the tele spot where fi have gave up returning too @Couck


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