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  1. pulling double ops... expect to get teamed on. although nrg was fighting divine and u guys kept crashing so... learn to 1v2 or sit in singles like you did and stop complaining.
  2. ooof omfg shots fired... imt just got sniped. dead clan down... we got a dead clan down.... Someone give IMT some milk. they need milk. jesus lord Christ have mercy on them simple nigguz.
  3. respect for all the clans who fought us. keep returning!!!! lets revive xlpc and make the wildy great again!!!
  4. gf imt. stop going to singles though.
  5. that was fun.... thx tp and xl for playing with the big boyz.
  6. dam... gf I guess. hopefully sunday I wont be picking my nose while pking like today.
  7. no banking was needed today. no return was needed.... no one died.... boring day... but ill take it. gf.
  8. have not been in the scene long but from all I seen is politics, shit talking, tanks and no fights at the end.
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