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Status Updates posted by Halp

  1. https://gyazo.com/a20d25b267df5fd0bb2131f01caf3183 when cd gets cleared 8 times by a brand new mpc, i would leave too bud.
  2. https://gyazo.com/83803fe302e7141e54002deee79dce13

    30 to a 30 min prep not even open yet

    #Undefeated btw

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kanicus


      Gz Doom, was ez btw

    3. Dr. Evil

      Dr. Evil

      undefeated after winning ur first prep against some bv hassan lookalike l00l way 2 go

    4. Hulk
  3. Pure on pure action still exists 


    Thanks for the clean fights FOE and SUP

  4. Let the players play, let the haters hate and let karma handle their fate.

  5. @TBR Big words from a little man in a clan without any wins 

    1. TBR


      Shut ya mouth ya little granny sniffer

    2. F2p2007


      You can't talk to the homie like that, who are you? Look at you with your whack ass rs acc lmao. ur clan has 0 wins btw

  6. 4b3d5df32ad79ff7c16d12e533036b3b.jpg

    anyone know why fi uploaded a video of zenith walking them down lmfaoooooo

  7. I’ve made 115m so far recruiting for zenith now I’m rich and famous irl and I’m still as good looking as ever before so suck my dick 

  8. @cd are you ever going to fight back?

  9. 4 clans had a joint trip and still no sb topic? Big fat yikes fatality thought you were a legacy clan. @Tyendinagamust not be smart enough to lead a pure clan on runescspe.com

  10. Ace krave is gonna kill Cd by himself lmfaoooo

  11. another undefeated saturday for Zenith

  12. Ascent is reopening for the 678th time!! Hip Hip Hooray

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Halp


      its too ez to close ascent

    3. Brock


      6 ranks left before the opening lul was ez

    4. F2p2007


      I smell the salt already


  13. Cd just made an aftermath topic with 0 videos and 5 pictures of being down opts in singles l0l

    1. CD15134562345


      wasn't hard bullying you and your snipe teams 3v1 np

  14. Cd legit going into the witness protection program l0l

  15. Cd pulled 60 to a p2p trip finally and then made their clan stay logged until legacy had a fight (they missed 4 fights before they actually logged in) when they finally logged in they only had 25 downies and ended L0L

  16. cd v58 got networked by ace krave 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halp


      you're losing a rivalry to purge...

    3. CD15134562345


      you're clearly losing brain cells i guess shit went downhill for you after doom eh

    4. Satans


      Stop being cringe lmao

  17. CD’s rank team just isn’t smart enough 😕

  18. CDead’s ranks are just not smart enough 😕

    1. Brock Lesnar

      Brock Lesnar

      zenith was ass, doom was ass, enormity was ass, you are ass and legacy is losing to cd and I didn't ask.

    2. Pkeru


      lmao ^ shut up loser. he must of closed your clan hahahahaha

    3. ceZa


      you and your shitty clan is ass, brocken_lesnar, now stfu

  19. Congrats fi on being the first clan to pull 100 and end in less than an hour on p2p Sunday. The entire community is impressed at how bad your leadership can actually get.

  20. Didn't even let cd pk today.

    1. Fear The Beard

      Fear The Beard

      we had non stop action

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