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LPC Not Moving To HPC Times...


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Clans like Olympus have been open 9 months now and most of their members are around the LPC combat cap yet still have no intent to move up and I don't understand why. Isn't the point of making an LPC to eventually move up to HPC times and compete with the big boys? What the fuck is the point in trying to become the #1 LPC when you could just move up and aim to become #1 HPC?


I feel like one of the main issues LPC's have with moving up is they feel like they aren't going to get enough action, but couldn't this easily be solved if clans like AAO, SV, and OP all moved up at the same time? They could still fight eachother and the lower pulling clans like SUP and RD while they are training their accounts and adjusting to the HPC scene. This would provide more action for the HPC scene and help stop the struggling HPC's like SUP from closing. (No Flame Intended SUP)


Sorry if I made it seem like I was bashing Olympus but I needed to use a clan as an example.


Hopefully some intelligent people respond to this topic who want to share their opinion and not cauliflower ass trolls but Im not going to get my hopes up :)

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@@Crafted_ I've already put forward this idea to all of the LPC's and none of them want to move up. AAO has been and is still ready to move up if other clans agree to it as well. All of their mindsets are the same: "we're going to get camped by 100's in addy". 


Wait till they respond; you'll hear some pretty "interesting" points.

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Okay so if those 3 clans were to move to HPC (which they aren't going to) who would Doom fight?


LPC scene would consist of:









Sovereign would obviously destroy that, with Doom putting up a fight too


No one is moving to HPC they are staying LPC pls understand that. The only time I would like to see one of those clans move up is when they can consistently pull 50+, along with the stats to accompany the numbers.

If the clans I mentioned all moved up the LPC scene would consists of



Critical Damage





Doom CD and Desire would all be competing for #1, while the smaller guys like Envy Excel Remedy could provide eachother with action


This would leave 6 clans in the LPC with room for more to open. I think that is plenty seeing as how the HPC has had 6 for the past month.

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If the clans I mentioned all moved up the LPC scene would consists of



Critical Damage





Doom CD and Desire would all be competing for #1, while the smaller guys like Envy Excel Remedy could provide eachother with action


This would leave 6 clans in the LPC with room for more to open. I think that is plenty seeing as how the HPC has had 6 for the past month.


Yeah I edited my post, forgot about a couple clans :L

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I think Sv, AAO and Doom could 100% do it because they are pulling decent and none of their ranks are in HPC clans as far as I know.

Pretty sure some are in fo and the rest intro'd/apped? to sup but i don't think their leadership could handle the hpc scene if they can't even handle cd whos leadership had never even been in pure clans before
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If LPCs move up what difference is there? They'll still be fighting each other essentially because there is no way they'll compete for #1 or even fight the number 2,3,4 or 5 clans except for maybe SV when they all train up but even that's really hard honestly. You said clans like supremacy who are struggling in your eyes or only have redemption to fight pretty much could have more action with these other clans but then supremacy can just move down to LPC times again if they want to. LPCs should worry about themselves instead of how HPCs are doing.


What LPCs should do is first train up and then when they are completely out of league of the next LPC and are safe with 0 multi clanners then move up. Until then there's no point.

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What I take from your post is you almost want to use LPCs to be scapegoats for struggling HPCs. Struggling HPCs will camp the LPC's moving up because they will out level and most likely still outpull them due to multi clanning in the LPC's. Realistically the only multi clabbers that will stay with their LPC over their HPC are the ones searching for recognituon which is easier to obtain in an LPC.

When LPC's like sup/Zerg unit moved up to the HPC scene it was a lower point in clanning where they were pulling the same/ more then the HPCs.

If you think any HPC will "take it easy" on an LPC that moved up you're wrong. They're going to take every opportunity to hit them.

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defence is the answer to your question, most lpcs (like envy) have all 1 defence pures and a couple of 20 def pures. thats almost the point of being lpc, so if we move up we would be getting hit by the hpcs with all 20 def pures and getting smacked even if we have a lot more than them.

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defence is the answer to your question, most lpcs (like envy) have all 1 defence pures and a couple of 20 def pures. thats almost the point of being lpc, so if we move up we would be getting hit by the hpcs with all 20 def pures and getting smacked even if we have a lot more than them.

Adapt or die
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