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Graphics Designer
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Status Updates posted by rob-

  1. Let it be known that @R10 cut himself, legitimately took a razor to his skin over losing a miniature war on a private server. some1 bless this guy

    1. Show previous comments  50 more
    2. Skater


      i'm wondering on what you linked me @R10

    3. R10


      @Skater 4 sure not ur yt channel , cbf wasting time trying to find that brown sticky stuff lol

    4. pam


      sharkbrew warriors unite

  2. what is a fun non legacy clan with little to no beef and active miniwarring

    1. Show previous comments  45 more
    2. hotkeying


      PX is all hype right now btw, very justin beiber clan imo

    3. hotkeying


      When they close im going to spit on their grave

    4. Kingboy


      mf is not more active is minis then px lmfao

  3. I personally think Don should be the next sv mod

  4. lol suck my dick dumb bitch @Jonathan and also u @Singles cauliflower lpc retards lmao

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. rob-


      No doubt an irrelevant lpc broccoli with no hpc experience wouldn't know anyone bc he's stuck in his bubble of irrelevant brown sticky stuff f2p kids lmao

    3. Hope


      Dudes first clan was SF deadass

    4. Money Mayweather

      Money Mayweather

      What the fuck is SF? LOL

  5. when rsps players start clanning on 07 and get smoked in f2p :Phttp://i.imgur.com/Fqv5ueZ.png

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. holydreams
    3. rob-


      I think I'd be a little worried if 55 tlp killed u in 2 out of the 3 fights we had today. You guys suck, but not that much. (yet lol)



  6. I'd hate to wake up every morning knowing all I had to look forward to was being officer in a pure clan on runescape.com; Must suck to be parviz init lol

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. rob-


      @I Closed Your Clan @YOOITZKID you both tried and i rly hate to pull this card!!! but i can seriously guarantee i have been inside more pussy than you'll probably ever see in both of your lifetimes combined. wow that is sad that a fat depressed boy is out here smashing it irl more than you guys. step it up plz bros

    3. rob-


      @I Closed Your Clan i shouldn't even have to say much to u considering you are insecurely hiding behind an alternate account in not 2015 but now 2016. it's ok bro don't worry i don't have any problems with u I just want you to know it's ok to be yourself on the internet because nothing anyone says matters.



      @Robbyy nigga u 14 years old, the only pussy you tasted is ur moms

  7. bye ruin lol

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. rob-


      Reused joke, shave ur barely clinging on mustache and get out in those fields to feed your family you wetback spic slave

    3. Break


      eww people not in olympus above me

    4. erdnA


      Nigga you look like harambe don't talk

  8. btw @`Don how's that p2p prep lol

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Benk


      lmao shut up goat legs

    3. Benk


      just a reminder @Tesco bin Laden you tried to lie to us about breaking up with your whale of a girlfriend

    4. Patrick


      We can speak for ourselves.

  9. This @17_ broccoli really needs to pipe down. Cringy moron who just hops from dick to dick because he's utter ass at the game lmao

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Niblet


      Proud member lol!

    3. Zed_
    4. rob-


      @R3lv Wat the hell is a skill specs you actual dumb nigga

  10. I'm potato masher

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. 2 ponytails irl

      2 ponytails irl

      should be HUNG @noD paki

    3. Tom Valor
    4. Ash


      you can always do male porn so ibro can watch

  11. how many threads is [emotional]a combo going to post on tonight smh

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. rob-


      r u flaming someone's irl when uve never shown urs? the key of insecurity bro its ok i know you probably look in the mirror and are disgusted with urself just like ur buddy @Marko lmao


      suck a dick pussy

    3. Dave'


      'someone has to defend the dead clan' meaning fo? yikes........

    4. Sharkbrew Legend

      Sharkbrew Legend

      yikes lmfao dutch fo kid broken was ez

  12. looking for clan with decent amount of nba fans hmu plz

  13. https://i.gyazo.com/d6c1533309f66f5f071131051141acff.png lmao that it bro @TLP Public Relations3? You live with your parents at the age of 26 and your full time occupation is leading a runescape clan that you're spiraling into the ground bro, looks like ur the emotional one :(
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. bigmanting


      @Robbyy you're fat and insecure whats your point

    3. rob-


      replying to a 2 day old status, i love my fans @Smoked <3

    4. bigmanting


      jk @Robbyy hanubundle of twigs is a bundle of twigsgot lmao

  14. http://i.imgur.com/VYOYMCp.png lmfao imagine taking pieces from 3 different already made banners/gfx to make one wtf
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jimi
    3. rob-


      Wow @Jimi @17 fucK u the only thing u did @Jimi is make 49 a meme cus that's what u fucking carroted Nik with in the 3v3 r3 LMAOO

    4. rob-
  15. imagine fucking your cousin irl and spending your free time making clans that don't make it past the 3 week point o.O

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rob-


      not triggered i just like flaming betas that won't defend themselves lol @Hick


      u can't flame cus im better at every aspect of the game than u


      better warrer, check

      led a better clan, check

      better at gfx, check

      also big scammer, check


      u mad

    3. rob-


      i scammed u bro @Hick lol big scam, i scammed you!


      i owned up to it in the many replies however i am not sorry at all lol =]

    4. rob-


      imagine being in a clan called pure aggression lol!

  16. i did not go out this fateful saturday because i am in fatality lol

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Range Grudge

      Range Grudge

      Maxx maybe you're just in the wrong clan

    3. rob-
    4. Kevv


      Op trips look boring agreed

  17. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D: P :P :DP:D :D
  18. Searching for preparation war

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. del


      f2p prep eop for free win

    3. Sith-


      Lol says the guy who is in a clan that debated on reopening zenith as a mpc, realized their leadership isn't quite what LTS was so opened as a lpc loool my god a lpc

    4. Idk


      Sorry sith trauma already prepped you no cb cap and we still had 70s and beat u wuu2

  19. When zeppke doesn't know that delusion is a word. Lmao stay in school bro.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rob-


      i honestly can't stand talking to 4ners sometimes their grammar is so brown sticky stuff and incomprehensible jesus fuck l0l

    3. Zed_


      Rofl atleast you tried.

    4. Gary


      @Robbyy i'm pretty sure he's aware that delusion is a word. The only thing is that you don't know how to use the word delusion in a proper sentence or a proper reply.

  20. Anyone got 2k17 on Xbox one or getting 18 for PS4?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LongShlong


      dont feel like carryin yu in cod

    3. Holiday


      dont feel like taking your money in 2k

    4. Brutal


      I play 2k on PS4.

  21. Don makes a status then locks it like the socially awkward pussy he is because he knows we pulled the same and his clan hid in single afraid to fight us. Lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Benk


      @Syracuse we told you exactly where we were & what world, you sat at graves for a half hour after that then decided to fight olympus in singles instead..

    3. Syracuse


      @ben xd come on man, we were legit 40 feet away ready to rush you until OP hit us

    4. Benk


      yh but it took you like 15 minutes to get ready to rush us :(

  22. Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MyOverheads


      dont drink coffee that often always got starbucks for free so i guess starbucks

    3. Commander


      Disappointed in you in many ways @MyOverheads

    4. Holiday
  23. @Spiral Tribe looking through my profile trying to take notes lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Spiral


      Lmao just watched your POV, kyp broccoli

    3. Spiral
    4. rob-


      The pov where I 4v6 come backed ur bad team lol? Or the recent ones where I moni once every 2 wks n still outperform u lol


      get broken wooden shoe wearing bundle of twigsgot fuck lmao

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