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Nos last won the day on September 5 2019

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  1. Remember when you said the ones "responsible" for the mains was stuck in clan wars while the "real" pure clans was out having clean action? Now look at you.
  2. Everybody saying the same cliche clans in this topic so I'll say something different. Epidemic and/or Enemy. Now that's a type of clan that's sorely missed in this clan world. A true underdog clan.
  3. You're irrelevant. Nobody is going to type an essay about you when your own failures of getting any clan you join to close speaks for itself.
  4. The fact you made this propaganda topic with a title like that when you're in a clan that hasn't been good in God knows how long is ironic. Can't wAit to bury this shite clan back where they belong and this site can be free of you cunts polluting it with cringe topics like. This.
  5. Jamz sending a bunch of shitality kids to brigade this topic because he knows the truth that his clan got destroyed. Only a matter of time before he jumps ship after losing yet another rivalry to FOE.
  6. Won't be long until FOE kills this shite clan and bury them. You heard it here first. Fatality fucking sucks.
  7. That's nonsense. You don't have to be a masser clan and pull big to make an impact in the scene. Way too many New clans make that mistake and then fizzle out quickly because they can't maintain that momentum. Lots of clans that pull low you can compete with. Supremacy, onslaught, special forces, hydra, the other new clans opening up etc. Plenty of action to find and then work your way up the ladder. You can still find a niche and be fine as a low pulling clan and focus on quality. Not every clan can be top tier.
  8. If you honestly think Zenith being on top in the worse era of pure clanning is anywhere near as dominant as when the legacy clans was on top then you need to stop doing whatever drugs you parents got stashed in their house. The only reason why zenith is on top as of now because you're just a glorified masser clan that out opts everybody and there's only one clan that's competition in the scene. You're basically what intense redemption was during their retirement tour last year. All quantity, no quality.
  9. Haven't heard of that clan in a long time. Welcome back and hope to see you guys succeed in the scene.
  10. This topic is a joke just like the topic creator.
  11. If I was you I'd advise joining any clan because they're all guilty of doing nh or cringe shite. Clanning hasn't been great since pre eoc and frankly somehow manage to get worse every year. If you want an unbiased answer then you're going to have to look at wilderness since cwa is nothing but political bs with clans only preping their alliances for a shitty signature you're not going to get the full picture on who has man to man quality. Unbiased 1. Zenith - because they outpull everybody 2. FOE 3. Legacy 4. Apex 5. Rage
  12. Don't think anybody cares. Rage needs the money to fund their shitty mains and vennies that they're going to need on weekends anyway after FOE destroys them as per usual. Nothing changes here.
  13. Nos


    If we're being honest main clans do the same thing too albeit not as much as pure clans.
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