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Everything posted by hotkeying

  1. Yikes. IR 3-0'd vendetta convincingly. I guess that says it all!
  2. lmfao @ you constantly throwing shade at IR l00000000000l
  3. Fact: Sup were the only clan to lose to Fi in a f2p prep in 2018

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brock Lesnar

      Brock Lesnar

      fi would smash ir in a prep/full out lmfao

    3. ruxso


      fact: ir is fucking trash

    4. Cody9204


      scientific fact: both clans suck

  4. Join the Alliance today! we are currently taking applications. h3h3h3h
  5. Join Supremacy and you'll probably get your rank back
  6. Love us or hate us, there's no denying any IR-related topics move the needle on this dog shit site.

  7. >implying supremacy basement dwellers have jobs
  8. You wear another clans cape every week LMFAO. Fucking cucked.
  9. Get off your high horse btw, FOE had 30-40 mains at the GDZ fight on Sunday and IR didn't have ANY
  10. Supremacy has been bringing mains the entire rivalry and IR never retaliated but when they brought 30+ mains a few months ago, they crossed the line. For the last few weekends, IR has used mains in retaliation only and have them on stand-by, meanwhile Sup have their mains with in their main fall-in. Nothing needs to be discussed, if SUP want to drop the mains they can and we will stop retaliating.
  11. Once you join the Alliance, there is no turning back. Welcome to the winning team @Nh ing
  12. Two splendid clans having a bit of fun!
  13. RNG is fucking dog shit and Paul is a cunt
  14. FACT:

    Foe and SUP both lost their last preps to IR.


    1. WarChild



      ir got 3-0d by a xlpc never forget

  15. Your rank attendance was 12/12 and you still lost. You guys need to ask yourself if the game is even worth playing anymore LOL. The only clan you can beat at anything is Fi in F2P and even then sometimes you lose. Yikes!!!!!!
  16. Imagine breaking Fi's 12 month prep loss streak and then piping up about quality LOL. You also lost to MF in P2P, yikes. The day IR/Apex/EOP lose to Fi in F2P, I will stop taunting your dogshit clan.
  17. Didn't look convincing vs a clan that lost to Fi in F2P. Gj nonetheless, now step the fuck up to the big leagues.
  18. Gf, people are surprised because we don't post our aftermaths. We've won our last 4 F2P preps (apex, vendetta, siege, apex) and last 11 rounds. That makes us #1 F2P matched and it's down to these inconsistent clans who one week claim #1 then the next lose to Fi (LOL) to step the fuck up to us and try take the crown.
  19. Fact: IR EOP and Apex have never shared a team cape and never will
  20. hopefully we can fight some time without you hugging single
  21. You can't compete with IR unless SUP is aiding you.
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