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Koed Beastly

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Status Updates posted by Koed Beastly

  1. Releasing questing services soon! Cheapest service around :) 

  2. Ah yes the people complaining that the site looks like absolute crap are the persons that didnt like a thing about the previous version. Instead of complaining on how it looks absolute sh*t, try to tell us what you would like to change. People lack imagination and the ability to formulate constructive criticism. Feel free to PM any moderator in order to apply changes to the brew!

  3. Can you come back anytime soon? :68747470733a2f2f63646e2e646973636f72646170702e636f6d2f656d6f6a69732f3335373531333133303835323438333037342e706e67:

  4. Funny how the only clan that declines the proposal to keep the mains at home, cries about them. 

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Koed Beastly

      Koed Beastly

      @Public Relations Pig Strange... I didnt hear that from the ambassadors.  Go dispute ;) 

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      yeah man cos a forum can do something about what people do in a game, right? hahahaha eop closed and fom still a main clan smh!!

    4. LMFAO!!


      foc will be taken care of for using dirty mains 

  5. Happy birthday!  @Sybren :Amusing:

    1. Sybren


      mmmmy brotha <3 Thanks!

  6. L-M-F-A-O fails probation and gets 6 month jail? Why can't u just be calm and not use violence? #FreeZee

    1. Lenin


      Damn =/ hope things get better for him

    2. Sybren


      zit ie in dn bak fwa? :D

  7. Releasing Questing Services soon! :) 

  8. Spreekt gij Vlaemsch en bent ge in staat om spelers te verslaan door middel van digitale strijd. Bent u een magiër , tovenaar en of ridder, stuur  @Whoppa / @Royce een priveberichtje!!

  9. Starving clans from clanwars was / is a giant problem for quite some months. This now evolved into the acceptance of preps just to cancel less then 10 minutes prior to chall. Sad to see that clan's leadership take such decisions. Expected more from your leaders, Supremacy.

  10. TOP 3 of the COTM Ladder at this moment: #1 Supremacy #2 Apex #3 Final Ownage Elite. Keep fighting for that #1 spot to earn 15m and DOPE GfX made by @Lenin

  11. Wonderfull update! The staff team (Slave slushpuppy) is working hard to fix all the bugs. Be patient boys & gurls! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andy


      if u dont wanna wait sandal man, bye

    3. Kanicus


      Are we gonna have mobile version again? That's all I care about 

    4. Shoan


      Wonderful? It's disgusting

  12. !Seen WCOTM for may

    1. 17_


      @Kim gime my Sig biach

    2. Kim


      We post usually on the 3rd in order to reconfirm everything 48948 times.

  13. @Bradyb I'm back from work and ready for you on IRC

    1. Bradyb


      @Koed Beastly I'll be on around 5:30 est in #doom irc again

    2. Koed Beastly

      Koed Beastly

      @Bradyb query [M] brandon in dooms irc

    3. Bradyb
  14. @Tannie ur a fucking mastermind LOL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Koed Beastly

      Koed Beastly

      @Fake Smile I have 2 holes u can join i dont mind

    3. Tannie


      fake smile, i cant swallow if i dont suc, need 2 suc in order to swallows. but its kinda justin beiber tho

    4. Fake Smile

      Fake Smile

      did i mention u swalow

  15. #Foreigners carry! Woox 4 infernal cape

  16. Ah yes the moment u smite an ags from IR being smited from another clan ;').

    1. Obbyx


      Stop bum rushing eop lil minion

    2. Juicy


      i cleared fatality + misfits today lmfao what a great day!

  17. Are you okay Dome? Gonna kick your founder out when he closes you like in the HPC PRE-CLOSURE days? lmfao

  18. Back from vacation! Hows' everybody doing?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ragboy
    3. Pinhead


      fatality is dead as usual, unbreakable have gone from a pro clan wars clan to one thats terrified to prep, and @Brandon has cried on teamspeak and contemplated joining his 23rd clan in the space of 3 years

    4. OopsNolimits


      "Eop and foe dying to potato masher apes every weekend, holydweams decided he will no longer bring Lil Nick his lunch jumping off the leash, trouble in foeop paradise etc... "

      couldn't of said it better myself

  19. Back of from my girl @Kim She is a wonderfull person and we'll be meeting her with the #Belgian crew. Lets 1vs1 irl EOP?

    1. Thimaah
    2. Koed Beastly

      Koed Beastly

      Irrelevant dutch scrub come fight us, Belgium is 1h driving big boi

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