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Propaganda Spreader

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Everything posted by Propaganda Spreader

  1. This better not be a desperate Photoshop attempt by some loser IMT rank
  2. From paying snipe teams, to editing exilent logs, to forfeiting preps, corrupt pures has come a long way to establish themselves as a top dog in the scene

    1. R4ngeTAP


      You’re “clan” consists of Noxi / Rampage / Overdose / Ambush did it really take that much clans for you to be relevant in the scene and can finally compete lmfao. 

    2. Propaganda Spreader

      Propaganda Spreader

      You mispelled "your," should be that many not that much. 

    3. R4ngeTAP
  3. CP ruined whatever they had of their legacy. Would be embarrassed to be a member in a clan that tries shit like this
  4. How can cp be a legacy clan when they're getting smoked by 1 month old clans in xlpc? Honestly interested

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      I don't see a trophy for Rampage or Outburst though :s

    3. Warbow


      We don’t claim to be a legacy clan. 

    4. Warbow


      Rp has won every possible award if could have in 2018. Can’t win a trophy if yagex doesn’t host events 

  5. Low tier "legacy" clans think their outdated tactics work against the new scene. Here's a hint, IMT is about to close if they keep up what they're doing
  6. If you don't want to get sniped by snipe teams that are in singles, don't run to singles. If you're in multi no snipe team comes near you
  7. CT is a loser clan for thinking people care about leaks like this
  8. In your first clip you rush up 4 but the clip ends with you down 5. Maybe next time you edit a propaganda video you should leave that part out
  9. Your clan is banned from using sharkbrew. You don't need to lie about the fights when everyone actively using this site already knows apex lost
  10. Apiss was never relevant for any year they've been open
  11. GZ on the win, selling tips to apex on how to properly write propaganda
  12. From an unbiased POV FOE won then Apex tried rerushing for propaganda
  13. Damn dude you're making your clan look really cringe, not a good look buddy
  14. As an unbiased observer, I've noticed that imt hasn't had a single successful trip since they piped up to rampage. Probably just a coincidence though

  15. If IMT is better matched then prep? Don't claim #1 matched when you keep declining preps. Cant claim #1 wildy either when 90% of trip is spent in singles
  16. ? Half your video is you in singles. Did you upload the wrong video
  17. You claim to have won but who really is winning when 300 people waste 2 hours of their life
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