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Jamie ツ

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Everything posted by Jamie ツ

  1. good to see malo and co doing work, gj with the success of your clan so far
  2. This has been something I've been waiting to be discussed for quite sometime now. Clanning imho hasn't been fun since getting anything past 13 defence. 1 Defence meta didn't seem to stretch out long enough, and there's not enough clans to branch different scenes (LPC, MPC, HPC). I'm sure that if everyone in the community could vote, resetting the scene to 1 defence would be the wave, but you have to also look at those clans that rely on tanks, raggers, mains etc to use/help them out on weekends. Because there's so much animosity, and most leaders are literally immature losers that have nothing better to do but flame or cry about shit, an actual voice discussion wouldn't be taken seriously about said topic. I hope to see this succeed at some point, but until people get a grip and stop taking Runescape and clanning so seriously, I don't think this idea will prevail.
  3. just a casual gamer who browses these dead forums in hopes of seeing some more original fudog content
  4. i'll let all you fat fuckin virgins assume you're the reason I stopped playing L00000000000000lza
  5. I log in to Sharkbrew.com for the first time in 5 months and 2 LY nerds are down my neck about shit I don't care about l00l
  6. gif of Apex running from the fake scim push was pretty funny ngl
  7. Ate some ass for breakfast this morning hby?

  8. Are we going to pretend like Rage hasn't been doing this for the past year?
  9. bro 4th of july was 5 days ago man change the shit cursor

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      A Friend is literally Lithuania's mascot you cringe fuck lmao

    3. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      keep typing to me like you did the old days though Fake Smile, I miss your dumbass commenting on everything I do

    4. Fake Smile

      Fake Smile

      Join a relevant clan and we can continue flaming. I mean Rage? Really bro. Pathetic even for you.

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