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Don Elmir

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Status Updates posted by Don Elmir

  1. Nightmare is the shittiest XLPC with some of the worst gfx I’ve ever seen! Low budget clan! Broke clan! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YoItsMuts
    3. DilL


      your broke ass clan been open for 8+ years but never had a functioning website or gfx for any of your topics my guy

    4. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      My gfx better than yours dill

  2. CD retard singles crying about mains, how ironic 

    1. Warbow


      Lmao, got em. I had him do it tho

  3. is AAO still using the memberlist excuse to deny the fullout? Even tho it’s on a Sunday where all clans will be doing p2p! 

    1. Trajan


      Apparently all clans except you since you don't do p2p lol xD

    2. Caroline


      Sigh, how many times do we have to go over this. I'm starting to believe you're not fully grasping what everyone is telling you xD

  4. Does any clan (except ascent low tier xlpc getting killed by rampage) actually like supremacy? 

  5. 3 clans in aao capes and still couldn’t win without eop

  6. Damn EOP isn’t a clan to be fucked with. Supremacy is shit anyway, seeing them talk shit about their minion clan ascent had me dying, thoughts? @Brad @Brock

  7. Seems as if the xLPC’s EnVy has closed before are willing to help AAO in this fullout! Wasn’t aao complaining that we would have invites? 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Royce


      Fucking dead rn.. lmfao


    3. Warbow


      Throw me on your member list. Ty: ign warbow

    4. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Dude we've seen those picture of that old ass truck and accord in that rented house

  8. Minus the CD main retards, would anyone be legitimately excited if CD reopened? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Satans


      The PTSD is strong with u young blood

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Just now, Satans said:

      The PTSD is strong with u young blood


    4. TBR


      Thought you would of learnt to keep Cd out of your mouth. I guess we'll need to dust off our mains again

  9. when I provide a memberlist to aao and it has 200 members on it, I wonder what their next excuse will be! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Enza


      @Royce AAO's been pulling the lowest and competing for last place for as long as anyone can remember.. you should really pipe down after both your clans were killed to closure lmfao

    3. `Prod


      @Enza get a ML together for fuck sakes than this can get settled y'all both sound like bitches 

    4. Caroline


      5 hours ago, P R O D said:

      @Enza get a ML together for fuck sakes than this can get settled y'all both sound like bitches 


  10. Nightmare has the gayest clan motto or whatever you call it, “fear is coming for you” some foreigner clearly thought of that. 

    1. Singles Trip
    2. `Prod
    3. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      yet ur ranks came to nightmare ts to try to get members to go to envy trips..... yikes dude

  11. aao will find any excuse not to fullout superior clan EnVy. Also their leader Jason denying prep requests claiming we go with FI on Sundays! 

  12. @Big Meat dill told me this Royce kid is advanced member in aao who aims for 2 recruits a day on ts HAHAHAHAHAHA THOUGHTS? 

    1. Royce


      we dont use ts u fucking mong LMFAO nice intell 

    2. Big Meat
    3. DilL


      i didn't say this??? lmfao

  13. Feels good man. Welcome back Don Elmir. 

  14. Word has it OutBroken didn't want to get bullied by EnVy so thye nailed the coffin, grats

  15. Why they bash whipz cause he tried to get some ass? Its a fucking paint game, just say no and logoff l0l!

  16. Bt rp and ascent lost a 3v1 daddy Hassan pulled a good ole 360 on top of Corp hill. Smacking West first then east then south wow 

    1. TheBean


      What i heard from EV ts was logg in your LPCs we just got slapped by ascent and all other shitters 

    2. Koldkilla97


      Lmfaoo rp didn't team with anyone had a couple of 1 v1s with envy also while yall had 70s and 80s but was still fun

  17. Damn, EnVy closes another clan. Good Fight Ob, we knew you couldn't handle the rivalry.  Time to come home, @WarChild

  18. Hahahah holy shit, Bt is dead tomorrow 

  19. This loser @Singlesthinks he’s relevant in the clanning scene! Ha! The biggest glory hunter I’ve ever seen! Hope Dull isn’t retarded enough to give this peasant any hope of being s rank lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheReal


      Come on singles has had elite rank in a couple really good clans he must be good at runescape

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Yeah I must be pretty good ^

    4. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Weren't you supposed to quit like 3 weeks ago? Or were you just lacking attention so you made that topic for some lol...

  20. The only thing the loser Originalz had left was BT, and now he's been kicked for scamming HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH WEIRDO!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Don Elmir
    3. Sauce
    4. Warbow


      Still more relevant than your elder ass in a clan that I closed in 3 weeks

  21. CD=ass quick maths

  22. I am very scared bt has threatened to bring a whole 15 yes 15 tanks against my clan this weekend! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheReal


      If I see one I'm hitting their xlpc trip with 50 lmao gl

    3. King of OSRS

      King of OSRS

      nobody cares retard

    4. N uts ack

      N uts ack

      Didn’t you quit 

  23. While I was gone I saw outburst pulled 24 to a prep? All of their envy members are leaving. That’s basically who’s left in OB.. oh and XL niblet hahahahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Niblet


      imagine stocking walmart shelves during the day and then being hassan's bitch at night

    3. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      Hahaha I run a cnc machine btw, didn’t you get fired from Starbucks?? @Big Meat put your dog on a leash

    4. Pker4life


      2 hours ago, Niblet said:

      imagine stocking walmart shelves during the day and then being hassan's bitch at night

      Hahahahaha envy dead

  24. The Don is back 

    1. Ace Krave
    2. Stewbert


      That was 3 days.. 

    3. DilL


      you never even quit lol

  25. Heard OutBroken pulled 17 and went to Apex trip :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      But I saw them on join.me in your capes etc @Old Nox

    3. Old Nox

      Old Nox

      ye stop lying

    4. yourfriend


      Don EMLIR just quit already try hard lol

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