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Everything posted by Warbow

  1. Ah yes, 70 ags special attacking 2 VR kids to the head! Was fun, ty for action
  2. Imagine saying “most unbiased” as you are actively involved in this rivalry! Absolute idiot. It’s ok to have a biased view point
  3. Unbiased: apex, obviously. zenith vs LY not sure, voted zenith tho biased: rage
  4. That second photo is funny because you know they were cleared completed because they rerushed the fight with full opts. Anyways nice action
  5. Why don’t you guys fight in the main scene. Instead of crashing pures and ruining their fights you could fight other med clans (Res, EZ, Veng) or main clans.
  6. can we get a brexit logo aswell @Moni@puppyslushi want to rep Britain breaking off from the European Union

    1. Warbow


      Maybe a half broken European Union flag 

  7. Whoever created this Maga hat, god bless. This is gold!

  8. 165 raging bears, that’s a whole lotta opts! Nice trip
  9. Gz! I bet fudog wasn’t invited to this either
  10. As someone not active in the “pure” scene, I have a quick questions (no flame)

    why do clans pull 80-100 every weekend, yet they can only pull 30/40 for preps? 
    is it a matter of inviting literally anyone to weekend trips vs only taking you actually quality members?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deluxe


      Preps are usually 6pm EST it's hard for gmt members to stay awake. But the weekend  trips are way earlier so gmt members can attend

    3. Dynamic


      It's a mix of many things. Some people dont care about clanwars, clanwars is on workdays at an awkward time for both timezones, most clans don't allow you to prep if your acc is dogshit, guests/clan ally's can't prep. 

    4. Warbow


      Thank you all for valid reasons / explainations!

  11. I struggle to see how this is fun. But hey if you enjoy it, do it! Gz on wins
  12. Venny Venny Vennies! People love killing vennies whilst they are being vennies

  13. This guy George is a salt bucket! Making fake accounts and spamming nasty things on sharkbrew.com. Loooooooooooooooool
  14. I think you have been looking at the wrong person! Keep being a fan no more bumping your vennie topics!
  15. Your intel is so bad, and you are so much of a fan boy, that you left me speechless
  16. Oh you saw my irl and I have permanent acne scars. Learn something new everyday. also not in rage. I’m not trolling, I’m the truth teller.
  17. Getting paid to use Sharkbrew.com :)

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