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Public Relations Pig

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Status Updates posted by Public Relations Pig

  1. I just solo cleared Envy's 30 man pull via pokes on sb teamspeak. Garbage clan.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      I told originalz i'd put a tank on every lpc account I saw and he agreed to drop all lpc accounts. 10 Minutes of waiting for them and they poke loud saying they refuse to fight us cos we're going to rag them on tanks lmfao!!!

      I can't wait for you to finally move up so I can afk you on a real tank.

    3. Kat💖


      why are u upset lol

    4. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      @Public Relations Pig Kinda upset I wasnt there for this

  2. @Singles Bro, why you gotta go so far over sandcrabs??


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Nigga that's not even me, thats quiktellylog trainin my account lol

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      I suspected he was some dumb foreigner. I got bored after ~30 minutes when I completely stumped him and he stopped responding at all ingame.

    4. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      lol yeah don't bully my nigga man he's gettin me xp

  3. Wow, we also have hard times coming out of the black kitten headquarters. Shitburst getting 3-0'd by a clan with literally 0 cwa quality lmfao!!

    @Broxxx @Warbow @Pkeru300

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Broxxx


      you mean fighting down 6 vs overheads? hey it beats fighting mains that's for sure

    3. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      We schedule a 35v35 prep and ya'll couldn't pull wtf u want? @Broxxx

    4. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      @Don Elmir We outpulled you today, what? We also had a scheduled prep vs you Sunday and you bitched out.

  4. holy fuck envy sucks LOL their only saturday recording was a tank's pov lmfao!!

    @Don Elmir speak up i just exposed you

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      Yeah tanks out on BT, but they didn't come out :/

    3. Enza


      wow!, no even in our scene yet you're so concerned. I smell number one fan.

    4. TheReal


      This kid is definitely obsessed with EnVy and idek who he is

  5. @Don Elmir Makes status updates to CD telling them they're having an event in the wilderness than says Fearless has leaks when CD snipes them LOL!!!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheReal


      Leaks are +1s allow it

    3. Killer of Clans

      Killer of Clans

      200 iq play lmfao envy don't have brains do they

    4. chance111


      thats actually funny af

      everyone in envy legit has shet for brains

  6. Time to laugh at the EV retards acting like they closed/affected CD in any way, shape or form. o_O

    On a side note.. I'm back and ready to tilt kids!

  7. imagine spending your mother's day making status updates about soccer or some shit and flaming ppl over sharkbrew lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kat💖
    3. Enza


      someone tell this niggas mother to collect his ass from runescape forums on mother's day 

    4. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      ah yes just got back from dinner while you're all still playing runescape smh

  8. Shoutout to all the pigs for coming with us on this journey. Fearless on my chest.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      @hotkeying pipe down retard you're about envy-level in terms of quality and lose to any and every clan matched opts

    3. hotkeying


      We will beat you clean in both preps this week, just watch.

    4. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      im pretty sure we just beat you in a prep this last week haha

  9. Doesn't look good o_O


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lankz
    3. Mercy


      that kid is such a downy

    4. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      Mans been running his own clan for longer than you've been a rank in total. I think he knows a brown sticky stuff clan when he sees one.

  10. smh at these outbird kids that were told the 50 fearless members that left outbird were actually kicked lmao!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      i was never in outbird good intel man!!

    3. Fudog


      Stop crying and join outburst

    4. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      rather keep killing outbird nty

  11. Leave it to the low-tier doggo clans to keep using the phrase "bitch out," when their own ranks won't even reach out to schedule a prepperino!

  12. Friendly reminder to @hotkeying


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Mariner

      King Mariner

      @hotkeying l00000000000000l IR FUCKING DOGSHT, IR HAVENT WON A PREP IN 2018 YET L0000000L

    3. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      You were just giving me bad banter aswell? xD

    4. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      I didn't creep on your sharkbrew profile, though. I just saw 2 terrible topics by you and decided to give it the rating it deserved.

  13. fo scum caught doxing on vid hopefully @holydreams will do the right thing this time

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      and once again doxer isn't getting kicked lmao

    3. Brandon


      Shouldn't have piped up don't be scared now

    4. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      i'm not scared, i know exactly what's left of me publicly available lmao the fact he has to dox me over getting hit by a pure is laughable, though.

  14. Imagine listening to a grown man cry every event then make status updates about being successful in life lmao!

    1. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      I don't like this reject but I will agree with him when saying Envy is NOT better than FS and he is 100% accurate about your high council little meat.

    2. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      Calm down freak!! HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA @Singles

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      You need some serious help

  15. yeah man im out here grinding my scooter on my local high school's hand rails and flipping cars off while ur grinding anglerfish and magic logs for rsgp lol!!

    1. Runescape Lover

      Runescape Lover

      stfu ugly you play rs 24/7 you aint bout that money, you only bout that dick and rsgp lmfao

    2. Big Meat

      Big Meat

      ^LMAOO mans said u bout that dick im done

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      oh no we have a runescape bully!! run!

  16. lol outbird still paying for leaks while their members are leaking to fearless for free just to get out!

    1. MACCER


      bad propaganda. why would we leak to get out? l0l

    2. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      Because you lost over half your memberbase to us, lost all fights vs us, have been too afraid to prep us all since december 2017 and you've had your audio leaked how many times now? o_O!!

      You tried to boost your members' morale last weekend after some crap clan closed into you but you were still unable to fight us on even ground haha! Last weekend must've been pretty bad time to be a panther!

    3. MACCER


      pls give me 5 members tha tcame to fs

      we dont fight mains! this is a pure clan!

      u leak 20 mins of niblet calling


  17. Somebody please flame me. Make me feel like I matter.

  18. sad fom clan still letting doxers run rampant even after giving him a "talking to" lmfao @holydreams

    1. Jimi


      Nothing new

    2. Forever Green

      Forever Green

      do u really think @holydreams cares or has any power, he got put to veteran by a bunch of washed up elders l00l he supports his clan doxing and hacking anyway

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      sounds like @holydreams to me

      why not speak up on this subject @Erik

  19. Woke up this morning, took a shit. Life's simple. Yours is complicated. It's hard for you, working minimum wage, having to choose between eating and having an internet connection. Come home from all that hard manual labor, turn on your computer and connect to teamspeak 3 and ask yourself,          "Why the fuck am I still in envy..?"

  20. lmao!! haven't seen fom wearing another clan's cape since eop was still open! they must be scared of something!


    1. Meet Them With Scims

      Meet Them With Scims

      awaar dog l000l being good doggie and putting his superior clan's cape

    2. Murd


      Awaar went from officer in the greatest pure clan to a dog in Fo wearing other clan capes, yikes

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      he didn't even do anything useful as a rank @Murd lmao so nobody counts him as a rank

  21. @hotkeying what happened

    1. Mustafa


      wtf he got slapped by a f2p based clan in his own server @hotkeying

    2. Public Relations Pig
    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      ^^What happened @hotkeying cos you sure as fuck aren't about to win in f2p lmao!!

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