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Realistically Speaking


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There's been a recent thread about mpc's who could step up to the hpc bracket. And while the general consensus is 'nobody', the community is at a point where I see no reason why not.


The only real factor separating mpcs from hpcs is attack. Not long ago mpc's voted on a 94 combat cap. That's maxed 45 prayer. Of course, this is not in the spirit of actual pure accounts as 94 combat is also these warped things with 70 prayer and 25+ defence, a staple of hpc accounts. As far as i know AAO was the only mpc that bothered with a 1-20 when OP has had addy forever and it's quite clear the others have adopted suit for better or worse.


Of course, there's the classic 'hpc is cancer' retort which frankly, you're all already emulating anyway. When the wilderness already does the separating of accounts by combat levels, why go out at different times when 2/3 of the brackets have the same kinds of accounts anyway?


Food for thought.

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The only real factor separating mpcs from hpcs is attack.


& the 39 defence and high prayer. There is a lot of stat difference between 92 and 110.


MPC is just as cancer as HPC.



why go out at different times when 2/3 of the brackets have the same kinds of accounts anyway?

Alot of people in MPC are also in HPC (vice versa). Most clans relying on invites/members in different tier clans would suffer greatly - pulls would radically drop for some clans.

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you think hpc is cancer? hpc has 30 def and 99 attack hitting them, mpc has 30 def and 75 (max) attack hitting them, most of mpcs dont have addy, but this seem to be changing, i frankly hope it doesnt, dont wanna be part of the cancer? dont train to 29+ def, ez as that

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Ever since the MPC's all decided to go higher than say 80cb and promote mith/addy, it's been weird. Like I've said over and over, it's not really an mpc scene anymore, it's just the second division hpc scene. They're mostly all maxed and bring just as many mains, the only major difference is they go out at different times so they are able to bring the hpc invites, and vice versa

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No MPC will survive as a HPC, fact. Look at Doom, was a solid lpc/mpc (whatever you fucks call it these days). Now look at them in HPC form they are are no threat whatsoever. However if all MPCS move together, then they will be able to fight each other as well as snipe other clans. Realistically I think OP or AAO (when they were open) could of easily competed with Sup/Doom etc.

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hpc is not even that competitive tbh. Most mpc clans just don't have the memberbase / rank structure to make a move to HPC. For those who argue that hpc is more cancer that's a joke. You only have to go to 1 mpc trip and fight cd / op to know that. In any case the MPC offers a wider range of events with more action.

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