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Status Updates posted by WarChild

  1. Fearless needs to mass poke in eop ts to pull lmfao. And in the end they didn't hit anything yikes akward @exzrts

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. XLPC Warlord

      XLPC Warlord


    3. Matti


      grow up

      all of you. ty

    4. DilL


      can confirm that this is true l0l

  2. The Holy Alliance broke fs in 20mins yikes. nice team 46 cape lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Lankz


      We winners and we getting chicken dinners

    3. G U L F

      G U L F

      No you lost and are demoralized rn wuu2 L0000L @Lankz

    4. Kunoo


      imagine stalking our forums just to get status updates that are visible to the public l0000000000000l ? ever heard of trolololo

  3. lmfao op invited fs ranks just to lose to doom in a prep. Fearpowered ded btw. 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. ruxso


      Im saying good binds didnt get piled why are u trying to bait anything u suck l0l.


      Query me for a prep @Mercy on irc "Aysix" still waiting btw. 

    3. Mercy



      idk why u think ur good? OB Smoked u in a prep.

    4. ruxso


      why are u talking about another clan's prep win why dont u put your money where your mouth is and accept a prep @Mercy it seems to me you are just scared lol. 


      Prep me or quit talk i already smoke you 1v2 in the wild come see me in clan wars for a real 1v1 

  4. The xLPC scene will be missing u Envy. @Don Elmir @TheReal @Enza @quit @fortnite

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. TheReal


      Idk I think a lot of guys already got 60 attack/44 prayer, I'll see what I can do though 

    3. WarChild
    4. Enza


      cd are weirdos, xlpc scene will not be missed

  5. When Ashley dumps Lalo but mister lingling can't let go.... Feels bad man. Sup edating clan smh :(

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. WarChild


      mwahahaha blame blkpussycat 

    3. Kat💖


      Lol? Kim what does that even mean 

    4. Break


      yikes sup elder

  6. d9dd4a657f893dd3f4924b925b020666.png

    word on the street is eop can't compete without mains.... even up 10

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      u feel like op now hiding in low wild lmao.. cringe

    3. Kyo


      ew scummy eop tactics, yikes

    4. Satans


      Love your commitment @WarChild, you've been trained well

  7. Seems EOM is scared to accept the full out. big yikers. @DULL !seen eop jcup????

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. WarChild


      u seem triggered. u can't beat Outburst without mains. lmfao,

      btw ty for recording my winning ts audio <3

    3. exzrts


      Yea what a win audio l0000000l.

      If it was a win where was ur "winning topic" l0l

    4. Dont panic lol

      Dont panic lol



      No way ?




  8. LOOOOOOOOOOOL fs so dead they couldn't pull so they came in doom cape!! fearlose closed...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Kyo


      @Public Relations Pig do you really care who has a role is on a pixelated game? He's killing your clan and you are demoralized? l0l go outside you fucking weirdo.

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      I'm saddened remember what a broccoli you used to not be before I closed invictus..

    4. Kyo


      atleast I do not care as much as you about a pixelated game, try making some friends 

  9. LMFAO @exzrts thoughts?? "i'm going to fuck his mom" l000l  #Hassanvoice

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      @WarChild cant wait to see fo's and ob's topics!!! l000000000000000000000l

    3. WarChild


      I CANT WAIT TO SEE FS's topic lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    4. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      @WarChild honestly same lmao we pulled 60+  will be a decent topic

  10. Fearlose u got smoked. u fucking suck

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Zachary


      u changed someone brainwashed u

    3. WarChild


      u changed when u started to pick flax for eop

    4. Fudog


      cauliflower fucking pigs... zen left your trip because it was so brown sticky stuff 

      Atl even smokes you LOL ts audio incoming

  11. Legacy lmfao what a shit clan

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TheReal


      Legacy is as ass as aao and doom were lol

    3. Mr. French
    4. Yaz


      14 notifications jesus we really are most hated most active

      Idk why rage tryna pipe up no1 cares about ur weak flame

  12. a71c049646de3b4fd9e6d79557be99da.png

    this must be akward...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      is pkeru the 30 yr old father piping up with his text to speech

      bro go feed your kids lmao

    3. Papa Bear

      Papa Bear

      Chalk it wasn’t but like 3 weeks ago you were telling me about closing OB into Doom but cchanged your mind because you got butthurt over something stupid because you’re an emo

    4. Chalu


      On 5/13/2018 at 4:50 AM, Singles said:

      Chalk it wasn’t but like 3 weeks ago you were telling me about closing OB into Doom but cchanged your mind because you got butthurt over something stupid because you’re an emo

      Never did I once, say OB would close into doom. And I got butthurt about what lmao. OB isn’t even sure why Doom is piping up to OB. I mean I get it you can’t compete with FOE

  13. yup yup kiss the ring 

    was ezz btw

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. JDM


      rp shook af lmao

    3. Warbow


      Pkeru are you dumb? Outburst is the clan that made all your rejects think you were relevant. Big yikes

  14. 10230df7788495f3924c8a816b21e5b9.png

    The Holy Alliance btw

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Pauna


      You pull 25s your pretty much closed

    3. Satans
    4. Pauna


      When its all set and done @G U L F gf still left him for another geezer

  15. i smoked some tigers today.. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Brock Lesnar

      Brock Lesnar

      l000llmfaoifgesiuge-0g rage is ass.

    3. Teleporting


      Cant wait to see that in your pov... oh wait no pov? 

    4. Alcher




      soup killed your clan don't forget

  16. Word on the street is: LingLing paid hassan 50 dollars and Rp leader a kfc bucket to go out in t-50 cape today

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. WarChild


      nm still open rp 5 feet under.

      another kfc ryan i closed was ezz

    3. Lankz


      congrats being coma in ded scene just close

    4. belligerent
  17. imt 0 quality clan.. why is your vidder leaving cc..?  095ca21519c7cd0d3ac86ac4845533d2-png.jpg

    why u bring lpc accounts when u +5 lmfao. cp always has been trash


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jamie ツ

      Jamie ツ

      preps without overheads will be exciting that's all I gotta say

    3. [CP]Fatal


      you rage faggots sound so salty holy shit, take the L and move on you fucking rejects

    4. Jamie ツ
  18. 94c225ec61cc67e2d69e9e604461f2aa.png

    the xlpc scene trip going to be fun i guess...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      @Kunoo just wait until they see our lineup lmfao

    3. Kunoo


      @King i remember i was multi logged on 10 accounts and old fs member with other 10 we had 20 and it was just us two, imagine just you , moo and ancient hehe xd

    4. Lankz


      Yikes I just got cancer looking at this photo...

  19. so is @TakamuraYui going to pick up flax for eop aswell or wut? @Lankz @Luciel

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dont panic lol

      Dont panic lol

      Imagine begging to Nox for members lmfao, we know everything man just like Stompy refused to pay 30m for a midweek just to hit FS Yikes!


      @Public Relations Pig 

    3. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      Should have just asked EoP for that 30m man!! We are richest clan!!



      @WarChild He isnt doing it for eop, but looks like just for fs atm.

  20. @Ha 0wn3d2 i did this to you

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. N uts ack
    3. Lankz


      foe and eop suck, i closed nm dont @ me

    4. DilL


      i dun even hate RP but lalo deserves this loss more than anything for tryna rag Nightmare with 20 tanks. He  on the snipe list for the next 5 months :)

  21. b6fddc68574734d42cc7919624903904.gif&key

    995b94e74e4a37f5dc4c477e550d8859.gif&key Rampiss main clan confirmed

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lankz


      Idk they’re pretty stupid..

    3. CD closer

      CD closer

      NM doesnt even know the difference between "To" and "Too" lmfao, of course they can confuse T50 with T7 

    4. PICwarior381


      I'm sure they were laughing at that moment thinking they some big dogs

  22. dda27ab710a3cafb7b8db9ca3aad3ed3.png

    Heres your clean scene @Don Elmir @Aysix

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Don Elmir

      Don Elmir

      Bro some tomato in every clan is always gonna bring a main... it's just how it works, I'm focused on not having 100+ at a 3 way cluster inside CA...

    3. WarChild


      nah it won't work btw

    4. Pauna


      Like your 20 Man pull is any reasonable action

  23. The holy alliance smoked op/fs back to eop hq lmfao. lalo those masspokes in eop ts.....big yikes

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WarChild


      all i saw was op in fs capes..

    3. Lankz


      All I see is tears at ob hq

    4. WarChild


      op closing time

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