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Status Updates posted by Erik

  1. Join FOE to win, FOE is the best

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Marko


      Dont be ashamed bowlcut lmfao

    3. Sharkbrew Legend

      Sharkbrew Legend

      ? im in kyles main clan, he posted login details to this account in public a few hrs ago. i'm just here trying to understand u stinky pures, i would prob kill myself if i had to deal with this brown sticky stuff banter every day lmfao

    4. Rip ghetto

      Rip ghetto

      @Sharkbrew Legend didnt u say you would go to work? You seem obsessed

  2. Run for your life, FOE is going to smash P2P scene as usual tonight

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. 17_


      @Erik lol thanks for #1 p2p again u ended already lool

    3. Erik


      carrot vid of me killing you for 35 minutes


      nice signups btw l0l

    4. 17_


      @Erik nice f2p trip oh wait u cancelled 3 weeks in a row! show me vid of ur Saturday trip pls

  3. Still laughing at ZU's 1 minute video lmao.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ibro


      @Hampers just making u sign up :P umad. More registered users the more gp u dont even have on ur left nut sack

    3. Twitch


      I can't hear you @ibro stop whispering m8

    4. Builder2


      Ty for loot broccoli rofl ur clan sucks @Twitch

  4. If ever in doubt of your leadership, join FOE.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Erik


      @R3lv tyst bror kom hem till foe ist

    3. Outburst Warrior

      Outburst Warrior

      Yeah nice bald head at a young age lmfao

    4. Erik


      Actually I'm very good looking, shredded and rock long hair. Thank you for your input though Outburst Warrior.

  5. Well, EOP's "dominance" didn't last long rofl

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. slapbutt
    3. Old


      Why cause we got outpulled by FOE's hyped up P2P trip? Their hype won't last forever, but thanks for bringing up our dominance, it's a shame CT and RD were never a dominant clan. #youmadson.

    4. Erik


      @Old are you calling EOP, the most bullied clan in the whole of 2007 a dominant clan O.o?

  6. Heard ZU's prepping CP for another 0-3!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Erik


      Not really @HolyDreams. Keep chasing him though, you won't find it.

    3. holydreams


      doesnt really matter, rd is irrelevant anyway and we still win everything even with you hitting the ts off and paying for leaks

    4. Erik


      Wasn't there, no clue what happened yesterday. It's RuneScape bruh get over it @HolyDreams

  7. Sick 3 war between FOE, EOP and RD. Hope everyone had fun today :3.Thanks for fights.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Erik


      @Lord Lugia damn right we were hitting FOE! We were taking on everyone, one at a time. We fought EOP just as much as you guys.

    3. Lugia Ex

      Lugia Ex

      @Erik yeah i saw we all took turns getting hit, i dont get how people say rd was with foe when we both fought to

    4. Erik


      @Lord Lugia, propaganda.. The topics and videos will show there was no teaming whatsoever today from our side

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Erik


      The vid cuts because you got shat on ugly cya lmfao

    3. K2P


      1 person dying vs. a whole clan dying.. TLP wins again!

    4. Erik


      Yeah believe that yikes

  8. Kinda bad to know that the "Undisputed #1 Pure Clan" don't have the guts to prep other clans on RuneScape cuz they're afraid to lose their hype. #EOP

  9. Woops TLP smoked

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rhythm
    3. Range Grudge

      Range Grudge

      yea ok @holydreams u leave the battlefield broccoli logic

    4. Sharkbrew Legend

      Sharkbrew Legend

      trust me @Range Grudge their members are very unhappy with what their ranks forced them to do today l0l

  10. Wins 10v10 miniature war > brags about it like it was a j cup win

    gets smoked 100v100 3-0 > goes mia on sharkbrewer for 42 days.



    ps we’re never prepping you hahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Madguy


      shine my clans prep win belts over foc you peasant

    3. Tyendinaga


      danny will get on his knees and beg before i even consider giving up the belt

    4. Lee
  11. White,shredded,good looking

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Himsa


      shredded as fuark

    3. Maaku


      erik u already forgot that i was always in fo tinychat taking pics

    4. Erik


      @Maaku your point?

  12. logic of a eop member: *stops bringing mains*, *gets teamed on ONCE like foe always did when they pulled 80+* "oh man we got to bring the mains again and kill the scene!!" fucking tomatos lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Maaku


      Fi and sup jumping on cp capes while clean 1v1 (cp winning) didnt make any good for hpc community

    3. Godfather


      yep keep crying

    4. JoJo


      Tell me another time a whole entire scene refuses to 1v1 a clan and a whole scene teams up one clan at the SAME time even after we dropped ALL mains. You asked for this lmfao, tell holydreams to get cancer.

  13. Ahhhh yes I remember last time CP imagined being though and declared on FOE just to NOT SHOW UP ON THE DAY LMFAO

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Foe_Abdullah


      What a virgin lmfao foe is garbage buddy

    3. Erik


      FOE won the last j cup and has a clan wars record of 199-54. Suck it virgins

    4. 17_


      I think Erik likes coming here to get bullied lol. Mfw he's a clan ally in foe ahhhaha

  14. @Maaku joined Breakable lmfa0000000000000000000000000000000000000

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alexander


      @Maaku me veri much disappoint

    3. Alexander


      hocus pocus terve kompis

    4. Maaku


      if you cant pocus u cant focus simply as that

  15. Sitting here waiting for my homie to go to a party whilst eop @JoJo is standing in his mirror trying to convince himself he's goodlooking lmao

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Motoman76


      that dudes a fuckin weirdo and ate a bukkake sandwich to get into his faggot frat lol

    3. Maxx



      Sitting here waiting for my homie to go to a party 

      What the fucking are you trying to do here holy cringe

    4. Pauna


      @JoJo speak the tf up

  16. See you tomorrow eop lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wee-Bey


      good comeback

    3. JoJo


      help i got alzheimer's

    4. JoJo


      imagine balding over runescape LFMAO

  17. All those mains and still can't win in a matched fight lmfao



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Finest


      how're you going to put fo in the chatbox when you're not even wearing your cape...c'mon dudes

    3. Purley


      Wow this backfired 4v1 and u still lost, must suck to lose in real life and lose in rs lmfao

    4. 0ldschooler


      welcome back low tier erik, but you lost all bragging rights the second you put on apex capes lmfao.

      it took a clan to close into apex & another clan to wear their capes to even attempt to take on eop, on top of that, IR crashed the fight spamming "on red" & you STILL managed to take the L


  18. a lot of eop now nice to have you back l0l, where u been the last 24hours?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cody9204


      didnt u only post like 4 weekend aftermath topics in the past 6wks lmao

    3. Godfather


      we never went anywhere lmao

    4. Dirty Dan

      Dirty Dan

      @Erik @Nos @Radical @Yentll stfu lmfao fucking rats

  19. Lol @EOP cancelling our prep to fight ZU with their 15 man pulls.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amenuh


      Shows how vulnerable eop really is. As for zu, we finished them awhile back was ez tyvm

    3. suzy6speed


      heard zu pulled 15 today :/ more than they pulled on the weekend!

    4. Sharkbrew Legend

      Sharkbrew Legend

      @Erik ur ranks did it to em last week rof

      @Mrap gud one man we had 25 nice try tho

  20. Shoutout to CP Victory for being 15 y/o

  21. Y pirate men scared to prep los eagles baby smh @17_ @debb @JoJo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Erik


      Lmfao we're 15-1 against Apex in F2P And 45-9 vs EOP on 07 l00000000l

    3. Transporter


      but you can't beat apex in 2018 l000l let alone pull 40 to a f2p trip haha bro its the weekend you should be thinking about going outside or pking in the wildy, not clan wars loser l0l 

    4. N uts ack

      N uts ack

      @Transporter your clan is a bunch of pussies lol

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