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Status Updates posted by Shoan

  1. can we get a xlpc filter on forums? dont wanna see their brown sticky stuff @slushpuppy

  2. 2+2 is 4, minus 1 that's 3 quick maths

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    3. n0 sh0w

      n0 sh0w

      2017 dutch bandwagoners who heard about michael dapaah just now should eat your socks @Shoan

    4. JoJo


      man dont start bif

  3. Foe won more jagex cups than CP went out in the wilderness this month

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Anton


      who is this guy lmao

    3. NL_Ronald
    4. Holiday


      edge recruit wasn't even in there for that lmao

  4. no topics about f2p hybrid or xlpc please, no1 give care

  5. how are eop ever gonna pipe up again after those irl pics l0l

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Himsa


      yugioh in 2k17.

    3. Obs


      Shoan the boy

    4. 0ldschooler


      not only the best clan, but best lookin clan LOL


      youre too insecure to reveal your true "runescape identity" let alone your irl

  6. every1 talking about jordai but remember when @KNIKKER got kyped from every clan and landed in ub? :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. knikker


      i scammed some kid he was in foc so i got declines

    3. Outburst Warrior
    4. موني


      He scammed someone and got booted (that was his plan lol)

  7. the more sb post count u have the bigger chance that u are virgin irl

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. knikker


      defo not wasting 6 weeks of ur summer ragging 10 hrs a day on a rsps @Shoan

    3. rob-


      can I get some calculations or formulas on how to calculate my chance

    4. Kanicus


      Forums are better than sex anyway

  8. ub have the nerve to post an aftermath topic when they pulled 35 and got bullied by multiple clans

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tyendinaga


      we had a better trip than your clan and there is nothing you can do about it lmfao

    3. Trajan


      low pull and still more action than you yikesss

    4. Logic


      O my ub is brown sticky stuff

  9. How did we go from wondering who would break Fo's prep streak to wondering when they will prep their rivals? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Opticals


      24 minutes ago, King of kings said:

      Lmao you spazz. Apex so dead they got reduce to pulling 40s on weekends. Stay last place haha

      stay being my dog and getting 1 hit retard

    3. Anton


      1 hour ago, King of kings said:

      Lmao you spazz. Apex so dead they got reduce to pulling 40s on weekends. Stay last place haha

      stop being obsessed with Apex and start giving your child irl attention you 35 year old freak


  10. Interested in a shot at the P2P belt?  Drop Shoan#1376 a pm on discord.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anton


      Like the community would even dare pm Nox for a p2p prep lmao

    3. 0ldschooler


      13 minutes ago, Anton said:

      Like the community would even dare pm Nox for a p2p prep lmao

      I dont think any1 gives a fuck, but with this attidude i can see why they dont lmao

    4. Anton


      I got you pressed enough to quote me @0ldschooler. The greatest matched p2p clan (Apex) doesn't care if the community wants to compete for #2-#10 lol

      We're #1 and forever will be and there's nothing any clan can do about it

  11. gz @Kim best and @Break u are the worst gz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteMonkey
    3. Break
    4. Fake Smile

      Fake Smile

      people are mad when you warn them, when actually you just want them to behave in an appropriate manner on forums to keep them less cancerous

  12. @Fatalitys Statue time to remove ur signature its getting akward now that ur in an alliance with ub :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hotguy


      no1 teamed btw

    3. WhiteMonkey


      @Shoan you know that signature is about eop nick right lmfao?

    4. Juicy



  13. scientific studies prove that people with girl in profile pictures are actually virgins irl

    1. Terror Spokesman

      Terror Spokesman

      What does that make you if you have a cartoon picture?

    2. bigmanting


      yes bcz a profile picture of snufkin makes you an alpha

    3. Tyendinaga


      brown sticky stuff

  14. xlpc propaganda is boring

    1. Akah


      xlpc is lit my family and i'm not even involved in it!

    2. King Kinse

      King Kinse

      @Akah not involved but still showed up to weekend trip hmm

    3. Akah


      coming to one trip =/= involved in the scene. i was +1

  15. write here if u are xxxtentacion fan so i can block u :)

    1. bigmanting


      I don't hate you but your clan

    2. B-ryan
    3. Shoan


      ok i will put an end to my life because another member on a rs fansite told me to :) bye evreybody

  16. @fi @foe let's prep eachother and determine a top 3 in the scene (p2p)

    1. Logic


      shit foc still in hiding sub eop in 

    2. Pigwrestler7


      No preps is lame 

  17. if u have leader nigga in ur name u shud probably kys

    1. Godfather


      sharkbrew leader nigga

    2. Cotton Picker

      Cotton Picker

      kys u weeb bundle of twigsgot

  18. Kings of Fullouts that don't fullout, Kings of P2P that don't p2p prep. You are not a king, you are a phony!

    1. N Ranges

      N Ranges

      shoan spitting facts rn

    2. 13 Defence
  19. Apex are now King of Wilderness. You put this upon yourselves by not prepping us, goodjob.

  20. Another event @Moni lost l0000l planker

  21. what a sad week first chester dies now ub???

    1. Demais
    2. Ryannn


      Lmao we pulled lower then usual and still out pulled eop

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