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Legitimate question #2


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With the majority of our community being 21+ years old. I feel that we are all smarter and more seasoned than the mentality we carry around (Especially on sharkbrew)
With that being said, alot of us are now working full time with limited time to jump on runey and head north with the boys. So my question is:

Are we grown up enough to swallow our pride and apologise or do what needs to be done to stop certain clans bullying others ? I'll use Fi v MF for an example here
Surely this sort of thing takes a tole on members and ranks alike. Swallowing your pride could save your members alot of heart ache and time just by writing up a 2 minute apology. Or as a community is this a big no no ?

Looking forward to reading your thoughts
- Snake

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I think rivalries are healthy but wanting clan to close can cause people to quit clanning or the game altogether as the time invested into their clan is wasted. The scene is already dead enough but yes rivalries keep things interesting. To be honest though it could be like sports or something where everyone just tried to be #1 by proving it rather than making others look worse. The scene is cancer though and honestly I 100% believe that will not change. Ever. 

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The scene is cancer because of places like this that allow it, and Jagex not giving a shit about pures enough to add a pure world. Just take this past hour for example, Chinaman threatened to dox/release irl names and what did Monni do? He quoted his signature instead of immediately removing it. This place is and forever will be a joke

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There are people in this community that might be 21 or older but they have they mental maturity of 12 year old. I goof off a lot  and I play the game to release stress and fuck around but some people are huge morons take it to another level.

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44 minutes ago, P R O D said:

i mean if your 20+ years old and people you dont know are hurting your feelings over the internet with there words than you should prolly just turn the computer off go outside and hop in traffic cause you aint ready for the real world 

Think you may have misunderstood the question,
with people being old enough now to recognise being bullied by a clan is not good for their own cause/goals. do you think swallowing your pride and writing a 2 minute apology topic is out of the question ? It would mean your clan could go back to being a top 4 contender and your members will actually enjoy playing

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