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Status Updates posted by Parm

  1. Ur a dumb virgin @parm RD  wasnt my first clan and certainly not the version you (tried) to lead and failed l0l  good luck making a fool out of yourself (again)

    - spiral




    1. Asap


      looks like rage has gotten in ur head a bit too much dude

    2. Munqki


      Asap that happens when hes clans has never matched our quality 

  3. Rage wilderness starter pack


    1. wuu2


      Why is this so true!

  4. @ Zenith ranks what you did to jamz is disgusting and their will be repercussions for it

    I hope every single member of your rank team is willing to get the same treatment

  5. @Spiraleveryone makes mistakes. I've known you for a while I lead the first pure clan you ever joined and raised you.

    It's not to late to fix this, I prefer to stay main clanning but have no issues killing your clan.

    1. Waifu Pillow

      Waifu Pillow

      shut the fuck up you filthy indian street shitting curry smelling nonce

  6. 2daab81e823223d3685133359655528d.png


  7. sRbtW6S.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Royce


      Why would u post this? Ur skin is literally brown 

    3. Greuter


      disgusting and disrespectful, didnt expect anything else from foc rank lmfao

    4. Greuter


      that man fucking died, and ur sitting behind ur computer making a meme out of it, pretty weak 

  8. Rage pulled a strong 80 Bears for our weekly P2P Sunday trip. Despite FO hving 90-95 ingame for the duration, we decided to fight down opts and fully cleared them multiple times. There's a reason FO have been shaking about matched opts, they're NOTHING compared to Rage.


  9. i didnt mean to bully apex into 55 pulls btw if i was too harsh im sorry

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pigwrestler7


      @slimjimglad im always on your mind

    3. slimjim


      @Pigwrestler7I am sure papi Nox has somehow convinced you that you beat Foe down 50 on Saturday. Just want to make sure you see the TRUTH.

    4. Pigwrestler7


      Dude no one asked lmfao


  10. Fo ts leak coming out soon

  11. Looking to make some EZ GP?  Query Jack- on irc to be added to the payroll. [Midweeks/Weekends] 

  12. reminder that fom's members are voting to kick holycream out of fom and fom wont drop their mains lol

    1. Parm


      @Tuk check pm btw pls

    2. `Zack


      reminder parm is the only person on rs with a longer clan history than dannypool


  13. Big coin to be made PMing Jack#8480 on Discord to leak your clans locations

  14. BIG coin to be made pm pming Jack#8480 on Discord or [eOp]Jack on IRC

  15. @Waifu Pillowdidn't speak on ts (until he broke n logged from FOE). Left his clan to die in singles and spent the trip on his tank ragging Supremacy's fight spamming SUP/ROT member's IRL info ingame.

    I DID THIS TO YOU LIL NIGGA :68747470733a2f2f63646e2e646973636f72646170702e636f6d2f656d6f6a69732f3335373531333134303632393533363736382e706e67:

  16. Big coin to be made for your clans locations by PMing Jack#8480 on Discord or [eOp]Jack on IRC

  17. 2 mandatory sign ups/inactivity sweeps later, rage still struggling to pull 70.

    its over niggas @BvGlesboG killed your clan LMAO trash leadership!

  18. 2 weeks 4 weekend trips later..

    Rage vennies/members still waiting for their promised 2B drop party at the end of trip!!


  19. 8 posts to get on the most active topics... YIKERS wut happening to the brew :(?

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