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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/18 in Posts

  1. puppyslush


    Thank you for voting. The event will proceed with the following times: F2P - 6th Oct 2018, 5 PM EST/10PM GMT P2P - 7th Oct 2018, 5 PM EST/10PM GMT Standard clan war rules apply: 1 def gear Pure accounts Overheads on Which Team Should I join? Team USA(EST) If you are from USA or any of her former/current colonies USA Canada Phillipines Puerto Rico Iraq Afghanistan ISIS-controlled Syria South America Central America Join the discord TO PARTICIPATE https://discord.gg/egAqmzF Team Europe(GMT) If you are from any European country or any of their former/current colonies United Kingdom Europe Australia Non-ISIS controlled Syria .. rest of world not including those listed in Team America Join the discord TO PARTICIPATE https://discord.gg/9PaaMXY
    1 point
  2. Discord: https://discord.gg/km5ScR - cc: "V Clan" - Teamspeak: vd.teamspeak3.com - Site up soon Vendetta & Envy agreed on doing a 20v20 F2P event, thanks for the action & practice looking forward to more events coming up in the future. Kold POV
    1 point
  3. Our fight versus FOE was originally supposed to be in clanwars but we wanted to get frisky and take it to the wilderness. The TIGERS OF SUPREMACY BIG FUCKING NUT CLAN brought 55 motherfuckers to take on FOE in a 20-minute capped return fight. The action started at Corporeal Beast hill with Supremacy defending. FOE were absolutely overwhelmed by our piling and were soon on the backfoot for about ten minutes until EOP came in our capes. We backed off while FOE went to single to regroup, took off our capes and cleared all the non-SUP members in our team-cape. Before we could collect ourselves FOE re-rushed us with prayer and food advantage putting us on the backfoot for a few minutes. We were able to re-gain our ground by the cave and ended up blasting FOE again. FOE ran down to CA for prayer and we took them all the way down to lvl 5 wild before giving them time to breathe and killing more EOP in our cape. After EOP were cleared we got a regroup at CA where FOE rushed us. We pushed them out of the altar all the way around the mouth. FOE could never get above 30 as we were killing them too fast causing them to retreat to level 1. When FOE were by the ditch with below 20 it was 1 minute until the fight was over so we decided to take a fall-in with our remaining 50 and call it a day.
    1 point
  4. Discord: https://discord.gg/km5ScR - cc: "V Clan" - Teamspeak: vd.teamspeak3.com - Site up soon
    1 point
  5. Yeah i'll hopefully be implementing a new feature which will prevent this.
    1 point
  6. You know damn well these bois don't even know what a cloud looks like
    1 point
  7. not a good bbq without a proper dox
    1 point
  8. Ty for action boys
    1 point
  9. Elve

    Fatality Clears Misfits x3.

    We decided to go out in search for wilderness lootations, We massed up 15 and later peaked at 25 Pure Elites. We heard Misfits was out and quickly hit them the first chance we had even numbers. We cleared them up and forced them to start massing, They than tried to hit us with BP and team against us, We were too smart for that and ended up avoiding them completely. We than Hit Misfits every world they went by themselves until they ended.
    1 point
  10. they're a rev team like purge
    1 point
  11. nice job. wildy pkris are about as rare as a blue moon
    1 point
  12. gratz my loves. Keep up the action. Maybe prep us soon too <3
    1 point
  13. Gg sup, you did work today we we’re down a few and had eop sniping
    1 point
  14. @Couck @Elve ^ winning topic btw try not to use max Font Size when replying ty
    1 point
  15. U guys are pretty active, fought u a few times with adrenaline it was dope
    1 point
  16. Tannie


    why dont u make 1 team for china, i have 13b man ready to smoke the rest of the world.
    1 point
  17. These apex kids are annoying asfuck they pull like 30 on weekends and think they are good
    1 point
  18. CT's topic lol, if ur gona claim u destroyed them in a 1v1 atleast avoid the other ally clan actually posting that they was also hitting SV SV and Jaja began fighting and we quickly swooped in for some pay back. We destroyed SV callers camping them to the point where they returned in full diary gear or nothing at all
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. DULL


    1. your gf dumped you for being a midget 2. she took all your money l0l cuck 3. you've been scammed 2x for fake rank boards by eop/mf why are you trying to make threats l0l? i made you quit before nigga i'll do it again
    1 point
  21. I want outbreak and rampage to close into hydra so my internet wife @ELECTRIK can lead big clan
    1 point
  22. After clearing Purge all morning Misfits EST unit decided to was time to pay Rev caves a visit, after already spending 8 hours in the caves we set off on our trip with 10 Spartan Misfits Beez peaking at 20 not letting anything get in our way we found ourselves hunting small teams until Fatality tried to come to revs we found them and went for a clean organized 1v1, this was not the case as BP decided to crash from the northwest, Misfits took the fight 2v1 pushing through Fatality making them our meat shields then wiping out BP We then had a clean fight after where they quickly clumped and got cleared, they tried to go back and loot their stuff but we put an end to trying to fake a win. Fatality ended shortly after and we continue'd to pk later running into EoP we brought the fight south to avoid as many mains as possible, they were quickly dismantled and we took the W and kept on Pking for another 2 hours. oivc POV
    0 points
  23. Nerdy


    USA Iraq and Afghanistan on the same team ye ok
    0 points
  24. Watched a bit of it, saw CT killing some SV to the south of the fight. Definitely wasn't a clean 1 v 1. But either way CT didn't really have too many, about 10 from what I saw just messing around south. Congratz
    0 points
  25. Grats, has SV won a single fight since their 9th reopening?
    -1 points
  26. @CV IO @Kanicus your clan got cleared by me & a level 69 at RDG & you expect me to believe your topic?
    -1 points
  27. -1 points
  28. medic

    friendly reminder

    you had less than 40 ingame for an entire hour, how do you mean? was easy btw
    -1 points
  29. medic

    friendly reminder

    you won at castle even thought it was a 3v1 and you left first? funny interpretation of winning!
    -1 points
  30. So looks like EOP closing time again: > Destroyed matched ops on their Anni weekend > Leader left for new clan > Morale at all time low > Jamz probably getting ranked Where will the EOP member base go?
    -1 points
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