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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/18 in Posts

  1. Old Nox

    Apex vs Ct- Lose, Lose

    More clans should prioritize action over the fear of losing. In regards to the apex vs ct fight, the outcome did not matter. We were just experimenting different rules for a new kind of event. Both sides got practice and had fun. The true losers were the people on the side lines sticking their noses up lol.
    11 points
  2. Tannie

    eop weekend in summary

    eop f2p sat: not bad 75 pull their rivals foe f2p sat: pretty fukn even, 80vs80 not bad. but no instead. their smart leadership decide to use 'mains' so ended all the action in f2p eop p2p sun : 80man pull, not fighting at gdz, running around in singles, crashing 30v30 between misfit and fi l0000000000000000000000000l im ded on a serious note, wat is wrong wit ur leadership godbless lmfao oh btw palo u fukn suc lmfao, how do u die 2 a crystal bow
    9 points
  3. In absolute dog-shit fashion Supremacy meet expectations and continued to fail coming into this Saturday. Unsurprising to most, these past few months have alluded to the close of Supremacy. Timeline: - Get cleared by Blunt Purez (xLPC) in p2p Sunday - Lose one of their top callers - Lose a f2p prep against Vendetta having only killed 2 people in one round (Vendetta Starting: 25, Ending: 23) - Lose both preps against FO (also bottom-tier) - Fail to bring more than 15 mains to Saturday despite only being able to compete with mains (still lost f2p with 55 mains btw) - FO could not even save them since they got ended early by IR. - End their F2P trip in singles attempting to call a win against IR. Is this truly the end for SUP?
    5 points
  4. Imagine needing a hider alt account to post your clans topics l0000000000l, pussies man smfh
    5 points
  5. I can think of quite a few relevant aftermath topics now that you mention it. Nice burner account too pussy, typical scared fo dog l0000000000000l
    5 points
  6. GO POST! Discord: http://eop-rs.org/discord Teamspeak: ts.eop-rs.org 11/3/18: On this fine Saturday the Red Giant set sail with over 75 ready for some quality F2P action. While we received the news of supremacy and fo massing up their tanks in an attempt to team on us and get a cheap win. However, this wouldn't turn out to be the case. FO would pull 60 with most of their pull being xlpc account clan friends, while shitpremacy would pull 40 (WITH SIGNUPS LMFAO.) Uploading... Fo decided to try to come into the wilderness above hollow tree. For some reason those faggots really thought it would be a good idea. We got on top of them over and over again, fucking them up without dropping a single op in-game, forcing them to run a marathon between hollow tree and west of ca. They would pretend to try and fight us back by running just south of us, only to fuck right off back to their rathole as soon as we fired a single arrow. Eventually we would turn on them and literally walk our little puppies to the fucking ditch. They would try to call sup and their tanks to come fight us as well, but sup had 30 in game and logged in singles LMFAO For the rest of the trips these retards would run into the CA trees any time we would move a half minimap in their direction... God you guys are actually fucking pathetic. Got word of Sup and IR trying to get a little fight. We would log in on them and begin to crash. While IR would fight back, Supremacy would hightail it over to singles, while not being able to move their multilogged tanks and giving us free rune sets. Since the fight was at bandits, there no sign of fo, hollow tree was simply too far away lmfao. After this dick-down, sup would proceed to hide in random worlds in singles and running away/logging for pretty much the rest of the time. Caught FO lacking by fighting at 18 port. When we logged in, same story as last time, with IR fighting with us and apex while fo would run like rats to graves. We would proceed to rag them in single until they all of them were dead. After that, our "rivals" would tap out ending their trip. Good fight IR and Apex! And you guys are ending at 3:30 EST???? LMFAO Keep being spoonfed lies by holyjeans chief you fucking clanhopping freak l0000l you know what you have to do to come back to eop In almost the same fashion, we would catch Sup trying to avenge their fallen brothers. We would give them the same treatment, ragging them into graves and not offing until they either died or made it to the ditch. We would give them a break and move ourselves to 13 ports, hoping they would come hit the clan they hate so badly, but sadly it would never happen... good fight I think? LMFAO Sup would resort to trying to hide in w1, but that didn't stop us. They would hide in the single square in the corp pocket, literally the rs equivalent of getting shoved into a locker l0000l TLDR: FOE trip ended after 47 minutes, Sup tried to compete - Ended in 58. - Goodbye
    4 points
  7. Keep practicing because as of currently your quality/skill level is free wins/nondifficult ur teams dogshit, barely beat our C team with 1 guy on mobile LMFAO. keep avoiding and going for morale boosts from cutthroat lmfao (#6 p2p in the main scene)
    4 points
  8. sfin

    eop weekend in summary

    You should just stay off the brew man...
    3 points
  9. sfin

    eop weekend in summary

    You should just stay off the brew man....
    3 points
  10. Supremacy can only lie to their members for so long before they realise they fucking suck at every aspect of the game.
    3 points
  11. Fo is a has-been clan that thrived in the msb dds days. Fo should be paying us 10M a head to come lecture you thru a prep how to play the game, instead you dodge us and prep other clans on fridays. Just getting your 100 retards to spam legends of p2p on sunday doesn't mean anything. The only thing fo is #1 at these days is propaganda and brainwash of members like you, who actually thinks apex is dodging when your dogshit ranks accept preps from any other clans on fridays except us.
    3 points
  12. When EoP ends you in 40 mins and makes you use a shitty excuse
    3 points
  13. Keep practicing because as of currently your quality/skill level is free wins/nondifficult U only joined foe a few months ago lmao Ur members cry about how horrible ur callers are, unable to pull off wins when it matters (for example: the p2p prep loss vs siege (which btw was on a friday at 6pm est) Hit up nox when ur ready for ur 7th p2p prep loss to apex this year, we're ready to give the beatdown
    3 points
  14. puppyslush


    Main Mediator Promotions @Paul - As an active player, a leader of a main clan, and has helped opened communication gateways with Jagex, Paul is our best candidate to represent and advance the interest the main community on sharkbrew and beyond. @Eevee - Having nearly 14 years experience in some of the largest main clans, and moderating forums and runescape, Eevee will be helping us building a community that is free of toxicity, while not ignoring the competitive roots that we all clanners come from. Gatekeeper Promotions We recently drained the swamp, having killed off most of our pure gatekeepers, so I am repromoting a bunch. Lets welcome: @Satans @Alan Rickman @Intense Yak @Sauce @Purefect @Nidoqueen @N Ranges For those who had applied and didn't make it, do not fret as many if you are in overly represented clans. We will still look at your application when positions open up in the future
    2 points
  15. Purley

    eop weekend in summary

    Just like everyone cringes @ you being a huge loser, neither foe nor OB cared about you, and yet you still don’t take care of your kids
    2 points
  16. they lose when it matters l000l (ex. 10v10 sb tourny/20v20 mini) what happen rite here? they had 75% fo kids and got SMOKED lil niga l0l. defend a horrible team ur not in but wont defend the clan ur in
    2 points
  17. apologies, as I am not in pups I was unaware of their other channel you're telling me you lost 4-2 to 7 first timers, meanwhile they went on to beat you 6-0 including 2 perfections in a 12v12? that speaks volumes about the quality of the pups team
    2 points
  18. As I've stated before the reason FOE's pulls were always low was because nobody wanted to login and get ragged by 50 mains every weekend. When eop closed, that all changed. FOE had an influx of players that came back to enjoy the game once again. A few weeks down the road eop reopened, made some stupid promise about not bringing mains. They recycled rank after rank until it was just Jack and Parm left trying to keep the clan open all the while barely managing decent pulls and losing fight after fight because they weren't going to bring mains. Now, fast forward to the last several weekends. They've once again started bringing mains - at least half their entire pulls' worth. They then get an influx of players from ex-leader's closed clan. They MATCH the highest pulling clan for the first time in a long time. They STILL NEED 30 mains in order to compete. So, tell me, how is this double standard? They pulled a whole lotta pures, eop pulled a whole lotta pures and eop still required mains on top of that in order to fight them. I'm not even going to start getting into "alliance" talk with eop coordinating with apex and ir to fight FOE and claiming some "fopremacy" alliance simply because sup is beefing with ir and goes to kill them at every single fight and cluster they participate in. Isn't that what eop did to every clan they beefed with in their prime? Talk about hypocritical double-standards lol. TL;DR I told you that eop will only ever be on top of any clan in wilderness by having +30 mains on them and working with ex-rivaled clans in order to put up a fight. Shame, should've just stayed closed.
    2 points
  19. Here comes the fucking ego again LOL Just admit Kyle and 3at lost you your glorious f2p prep vs VD stop pointing fingers at me :rolf:
    2 points
  20. Excuse generator 23.121 the only thing you had going for you as a clan (F2P matched quality, wich wasnt anything special to begin with) got fucking stomped on by vendetta. how does that make you feel?
    2 points
  21. what is ur name dill for? are u copy dill pickle from rugrat lol? r u 12? yikes...no wonder u leave every clan u join within 2 month u r snake boy ratta..
    2 points
  22. how you gonna tell your members this then end your trip and stay online???
    2 points
  23. I don't think you understand your clan's position. You guys are miles behind apex and for us to prep you is giving you a learning oppurtunity, it literally does nothing for us aside from another won prep added to the 28-1 p2p record for the year, while your members will be out and about with notepads and probably numerous lectures about how apex played like gods and how to improve yourselves from it. For you to be putting up conditions for a p2p prep against a clan which your members openly worship as p2p gods is an utter joke. It's just an excuse to dodge apex and deep down every single one of your members knows this fact. Do you see champions knock on some nobody's doors asking for a challenge? nope.
    2 points
  24. slushpuppy: * account stat cap for clan wars(e.g. preventing non pure(1-5 def) accounts from participating in the round) Doable slushpuppy: Also we had members of the pure community ask whether Jagex could introduce 1 specific f2p world where only 1-5 def accounts can login. What is your realistic assessment of that ever happening? What would be the possible objections to such a world? Easy to setup, but it will potentially have very few players, and Jagex doesn't typically go out of their way to cater to pures slushpuppy: the friends chat 150 total limit to be replaced with a 2 week ban option in the friend's chat the ban thing would require engine work I will be forwarding most, if not all popular/sensible questions to Mod Maz and giving you guys the necessary feedback. There hasn't been a proper update for clans for many years now and the goal is to find a "sweet spot" update that is quick and easy to implement. Once we find that update, the next phase will require the entire community to rally behind said update. This means we will be hitting social media sites, runescape forums and the like. Stay tuned for further updates. If you want to revise the suggestions to make a better case to Jagex, please reply to this topic: https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/45303-pure-community-in-game-suggestions/
    1 point
  25. I have a dusty rune scim somehwere
    1 point
  26. Tannie

    eop weekend in summary

    i think but people always pipe up, they dont understand the significant of 1 irrelevant washed up chinaman
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Wym apex wont prep pups? We did a 20v20 and smashed u 4-0. 1 of the easiest fights i participated in (Considering fo was 75% of ur pull) l0l Already ended u wen u didnt reply after i called pups free wins/nondifficult Stay seals easy* (seals is actually in the grave lmfao)
    1 point
  29. Satans


    Ooft we in the big leagues now, tyty
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. N Ranges


    congrats every one fresh blood incoming
    1 point
  32. ya sure u ended first today but eop ended 1 hour into their anniversary so grats
    1 point
  33. PX TYLER

    PX TYLER's Intro

    @Enza @CV IO @Kim@Nh ing @Fat Boy@Red Vision @MAGICfrmda6 thanks for the welcomes ladies n gentz!
    1 point
  34. I'm having a good laugh atm while I alt+tab out of a better game to have another laugh reading this shit.
    1 point
  35. Im a simple man, i see dogshit I like it
    1 point
  36. I too am gonna say about tree fiddy
    1 point
  37. Our pull of 55 today worked out great for us, was a fun trip. Just confused a little, I'm wondering why you would refer to our weekend pulls when you guys pulled 34, 21 less than us today? "Today we massed up 30 glorious F2P monsters ready to take today's trip by storm later peaking at 34"
    1 point
  38. You already know how we rocking man
    1 point
  39. imagine the shit we could accomplish if cocaine was legal
    1 point
  40. how would a 1-20def world have very few players?? there's thousands of pures online at any given time
    1 point
  41. basically. fo's matched p2p quality is bottom tier rn
    1 point
  42. Thanks Cutthroat for giving Apex some clean action. Was fun.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
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