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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/18 in all areas

  1. The following is confidential information released from the School of Pure Clanning after a student was found to be falsifying their results on the Pure Community website "Sharkbrew". Doctor Professor Koshar IcyB, an expert and lecturer at the school, commented that the student is simply trying to cope with his struggles of his first year back at university and "wants to look good in front of his classmates".
    16 points
  2. Less sharkbrew, more family time
    8 points
  3. While I appreciate the attempt at banter, I feel compelled to point out the cringeworthy attempt at sounding educated. "The following is confidential information released..." Confidential information does not get "released". Confidential information by definition is information that can not be released. It is either leaked, declassified or disclosed. There should be a comma after "Pure Clanning". "Doctor Professor" is not a thing. People either go with Doctor after completing their Ph.D. or with Professor after being approved by an education board. Calling someone an "expert" after already stating they are both a "Doctor" and a "Professor" is superfluous at best. "Lecturer" is implied by the fact they are a professor. The overall grading sheet, besides being low quality humor, tries really hard to sound sophisticated but seems to have been written by someone with a flimsy grasp of the English language. I'm impressed with your observation that an essay indeed "begins" with an introduction. Bold-faced either refers to bolding text or means "bold in manner or conduct". No one who has any worthwhile university education would bold a thesis statement. Suggesting a thesis statement needs to be bold shows little understanding of the academic world. Insinuating that the author of an academic essay needs "logic" to make claims is insulting to the audience of this post. Contextually credible evidence does not mean what you think it means. Contextually refers to credible in this statement, which suggests that the credibility of the source is dependent on the context. That is extremely incorrect. Either refer to other words properly or start using commas. Grading a paper on its merit by checking whether a body paragraph starts with a "topic sentence" is exciting stuff for someone learning the basics of academic writing, but implying it is wrong to not do it makes me wonder whether you've had any experience with academic sources outside of the inept papers submitted by your fellow first-year students. Equally exciting is the usage of the word "constructs", as if your attempt at sounding brainy needed any more evidence to prove the contrary. We get it, you have a tab with a thesaurus open. "Essay digs beneath the surface" sounds clumsy although not wrong, but "of the topic under consideration" certainly is. Is it under consideration? Is he writing a dissertation proposal? What exactly is "under consideration" here? Stop trying to sound educated and use words like "subject" or "topic" or simply leave out "under consideration" if you don't know what it means. You repeat the pleonasm with "Essay ends with a concise conclusion." I'm very happy you understand what citing means in the academic world, but there is actually no such thing as citing a "resource". I think the word you were looking for is "source", but I'm sure the cup of coffee you drank is grateful for finally getting some credit. Your last rubric is simply painful. You're suggesting that even if the essay contains no errors, a student can be graded with "Poor" if they did not proofread thoroughly. How would you even check whether the author proofread anything? Or was this another tortuous statement that wanted to say that the essay should contain no errors, potentially the result of proper proofreading? You keep using phrases that don't actually mean what you want them to mean. Stick to more basic language next time. Your first comment opens with "lack of credible sources" but the rubric only suggested a minimum of one credible source. Either you are contradicting your grading criteria or you are nit-picking for no clear reason. Maybe you should have proofread your own banter post before trying to call someone else's "poorly written". While not inherently wrong your writing style is awful. "That" can be omitted in over half of the cases if you reworded your clumsy writing, although admittedly that would be too much to ask for. I guess it's part of the attempt at banter but "emotional rambling" breaks the illusion of you trying to grade it as if you actually were someone with an education. Next, "that results in the overall context of the essay" legit does not make sense in any way. Emotional rambling does not affect the "context of the essay". It might result in poor argumentation, poor flow, poor academic value, but implying rambling can affect the "context" of the essay is hilarious unless you are implying he is writing a thesis on the rambling itself. Which he is not, which again makes you wrong. Concluding the sentence with "of the essay to fall victim." may sound smart but it's actually wrong. Again. The essay falls victim to what here, exactly? The emotional rambling is the result so you can't possibly refer to that. I think you're missing a few words here buddy, as you didn't mention a cause. It is indeed an "interesting choice of colorful language". However, as you try to insult it in the next sentence, which happens to be a completely new sentence, that should not be a comma but a period. The more you know. "If this was a 5th grade essay you might have passed" is admittedly cheeky, but considering the fact you're writing in the present by using "you might have passed", that "was" should actually be a "were". All-in-all I didn't actually expect much from a little essay written by anyone from EOP as your clan is known for its lack of educated members. I think you trying to compete with FOE in the banter department is very brave but evidently it's not your strong suit. You already got beaten in the meme department so I hope you find something you're actually good at. Third time's a charm, right? Overall grade: F-. Result: Fail. Chance of a re-sit: Do us all a favor and don't bother. Thanks for playing.
    4 points
  4. was an easy clear bruv.
    2 points
  5. yo jimi hows that 17-0 against apex going? u got mass 25 defence to complete, yet u havent won anything l00000000l
    2 points
  6. look weaastttttttt
    2 points
  7. Thank you for action gents!
    2 points
  8. if this is how eop tries to stay relevant i feel sorry for ur shit clan
    2 points
  9. i dont think eop is obsessed with foe anymore, it might just be Jamz at this point lol
    2 points
  10. Not to mention that Zach/pizza delay raped a 15 year and should be in actual prison lmfaoo
    2 points
  11. Fjeder

    we need to talk

    idk but moni needs to stop making gif vids
    2 points
  12. We scheduled a 25v25 pkri with ascent. After realizing we both pulled way more than that we jumped it to a 40v40 pkri! Our first fight we rushed ascent 40v37, forcing them to ca after 3 minutes of fighting in an attempt to return. After forcing the sims through their throats they ran back to corp hill in another attempt for more returns. After realizing we have 2x their opts for 3/5 minutes of the fight they eventually ran to singles. The second fight we defend 37v41 in which ascent cleared us. Thank to Ascent for the great 40v40 action. and shoutout to Rise for joining in! Hope to get more fights with you guys in the future! Pandas peaked at 44 today!
    1 point
  13. @Jordan @Chief @8pint @K2P @Pker4life @arro @Prep War @Foe baby @Jaimy @Opticals @zmaj @Jensen This guy just tried to compete with educated Eagles lmao!
    1 point
  14. @Brandon 2-3 exceptions max 20 def - if we do 8 exceptions kids will get def specifically for it
    1 point
  15. 13-20 def exceptions? It is not an LPC category tournament. Would of liked to see the 10v10s still around. Miniwar teams rarely get good events.
    1 point
  16. seems like you're duplicating a topic to hype yourself up
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. ye I'll fix that was thinking of f2p for a second lmao
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Famcloth

    With the Most Sincere Tone

    Making a topic this long to get at supremacy isn't worth the effort. Just let them disappear again.
    1 point
  21. correct me if I'm wrong, but probably more than BT
    1 point
  22. Mus is literally my son i raised him.. miss u mus
    1 point
  23. Yo link me to autoswitcher wtf share
    1 point
  24. PX deserves much better than Supremacy, I mean they basically joined a snipe team and brought it back from the dead for no credit. Poor choice on Salso's part.
    1 point
  25. You act as though clans communicate with one another and try to coordinate things against you. They don’t. It’s just that no one likes Supremacy.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Grats on two straight COTMs Foe. Good Effort Sup. Gl all this month.
    1 point
  28. you actually made a saturday topic lmfao 0 wins btw idk why ur covering that scouts name tribai mask we see him every week
    1 point
  29. Linus


    oi suhhhh bro how u doin
    1 point
  30. gluon

    Gl Im 2h Introduction

    what up goodman
    1 point
  31. Just so no one in Slumpremacy can forget, Your 0-6 in rounds in the past week. You've lost to EOP 0-3, and also to FOE 0-3. (technically 0-3 because you left before the third round) I'm sure this has to put quite a strain on the meshing of your newfound PX ranks and members with your Community in Supremacy. I would imagine the People that came to you when PX closed have to be thinking: "I Really Fucked Up". I can only imagine some of your delusional members will comment "PReP uS tHeN" below this topic. This is just to Counter the propaganda that is already swelling within your TS. For instance, on Sunday, you used so many excuses to avoid us in singles its pathetic. "Nox told Apex to get on their mains Tele out" and "These Apex members are auto-switching tele out" All the while, Mickey the potato was yelling random shit. To Summarize: 1. Despite the propaganda, you are bad. 2. No matter what the Supremacy ranks tell you, PX, you have made a very poor decision to join Supremacy. 3. "tHeY wOnT PrEP uS sO We aRe beTTer" mentality will not get you through this. We shouldn't have to prove anything to you dogs when you can't beat clans we have beaten repeatedly. 4. Apex will continue to make you slump. Supremacy, it is bad to start a rivalry with a clan while you have a separated community. Not only was your core comprised of PX members that had just joined, In effect you have made It impossibly hard for them to want to stay in a clan losing so often and openly. -Apex sends their Regards.
    0 points
  32. I'll let the reactions speak for themselves Remy lol
    0 points
  33. Imagine bragging about other clans prep wins because your too scared to prep us yourselves lmao. I'll be out with 80 Tigers this Saturday taking #1 while your gonna be fighting AAO and Envy in a 3 way cluster for #8. Maybe I'll actually see you on Sunday tho, will be interesting to see if Nox continues his strategy of kamikazeing us in singles down 50 so your allies IR can attempt to have a clean fight.
    -1 points
  34. l0lllllllllll don't care getting bully every weekend by fo. get used to it.
    -1 points
  35. -1 points
  36. -1 points
  37. -1 points
  38. imagine thinking you're slumping supremacy when our pulls have only went up for a month and a half straight while you have yet to beat supremacy once in over 6 months l0l (just a reminder that your clan has recently had doom close into it, the clan we have slumped to 20 pulls and closed dead, never forget @Halp). Hope you guys found a home where your own ranks won't be leaking to us this time sure we lost some preps this week but unlike your clan we aren't afraid of action on a game about dragons lmfaoo hope you enjoy your horrible saturday trip with 30+ members skipping for the 30th weekend in a row
    -2 points
  39. RP top of xlpc rn.
    -2 points
  40. -3 points
  41. you should probably move out of your parents basement at the age of 26 before writing something like that
    -3 points
  42. no @zmaj there are no resubmissions allowed, you still failed l0000l imagine taking something taht took 2 minutes so seriously that you spend hours writing another essay l000l fom is full of dropouts l0000l you're actualy so insecure about what people on an online world think
    -4 points
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